Dinner Date

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Wade-centered third person.

Wade knew that he shouldn't be taking any jobs right now but New York had been once again greeted by the merc with a mouth. It technically wasn't a job and Ellie was at a birthday party sleepover so. Sure, he wasn't exactly needed but he was a good friend and a good friend didn't let their friends hire untrustworthy, strange mercenaries now did they?

Heather had, rather offhandedly, admitted that some bad dudes broke into her apartment in Queens and had some expensive information at their disposal. He had expected these men to be irrehensible and really creepy. What he had not expected was for one guy to shoot another as soon as he showed. Darn,he really hoped his Spidey wouldn't blame him for this particular unaliving. He brought non-lethal tranquilizers for a reason. He wasn't responsible for whatever happened to them once Heather or an associate got their hands of them. No, ye just had to intercept this info sale and incapacitate these losers. It certainly didn't help these criminals that Deadpool was like super frustrated and just wanted to wrap up so that he could get some tacos. Did he say that out loud? Oops.

.... Witnesses. Don't get him wrong, he loved the spotlight but now was not the time to have a witness. Or the time for Yellow to point out how absolutely adorable the witness was, though Wade argued back that his Spider had to be at least a thousand times cuter. White took that moment to point out how he hadn't even fully seen Spiderman's face. Which he could have if he just had the courage to snoop. White called him disgusting. It was probably deserved. Then the witness ran. Scaredy Cat? "Maybe he's a secret mafia boss that came to buy information? Or just some other shady person who knows they shouldn't run into us" Yellow suggested. "Or maybe tall dark and ugly is just a scary guy? He's insane, smells like a corpse and is just so ugly" White countered. Wade wasn't really siding with either of them but he did know that he tended to make people run. "Just think about it" Yellow argued. The boxes took a break like they were seriously thinking. "What sane person willingly walks into New York alleys at 6 pm anyway?!" White exclaimed. Seems he got won over.

"So you two think psycho killer?" Wade asked. He was taking shortcuts to his favourite taco place to go get dinner. "Yep" White confirmed. "We can fix him!" Yellow squeeled. The mercenary didn't know if he wanted to roll his eyes or put a hand to his ear because of the load noise. But oh yeah! They're in his head so that wouldn't do anything. "I don't know. He seems pretty normal" He argued back. Soft brown hair that was kept shorter on the sides, he could imagine running his large hands rhrough that hair. Wide brown eyes that reminded him of deer and all their innocence and how the irises had just a fleck of green in the right corners. The light dusting of freckles over his facial features. That killer jawline that kept his face from being completely round. Wade also joticed through the gaping that the stranger had a wide tooth gap between his two upper front teeth. His thinnish lips. Not supervillian material.

"Not everyone with loose morals looks like you" White reminded. "Are we forgetting about Heather?" Yellow prompted. That was true. Heather looked like a normal girl, no one would bat an eye at her if she walked down the street. She mentioned that her parents owned a pizzeria and that she would often hang around there in her off hours, her "apartment" was right above it actually. She uses the place more as an office than a home and no, it wasn't the place broken into. She had a roommate in her other place, that's how she justified her abilitiy to pay for it. If he hadn't known Heather than he wouldn't pin point her to be who she is. Who would point their finger at the elf-like former botany student who worked at some fancy schmancy gardens? So yeah, that adorable nerd could totally be a mafia boss. Just goes to show that you shouldn't stereotype. 

Wade perked up as he neared his favourite Taco place. The vendor gave him a smile when he saw the mercenary. What could he say? Big spemder over here! Wade paid and left to find a nice roof to eat on. As soon as he began to tuck in, a lithe girl with white hair approached him. This was great, couldn't he just eat in peace? "What do you want?" He asked aggresively. "Well, Heather wants to thank you for the assist, though those boys were unlucky since they broke in and I could have handled it. Though if you didn't get there so quick then who knows who could know about the next shipment. That's a lot of catnip to lose" The girl spoke. "Let's just say that I'm giving you a get out of jail free card next time you cross me" Wade had no idea why she winked at that but she did. After saying her piece, she nimby descended the building and disappered from sight. Gosh, he was just having a day.

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