didn't know that you could say anything

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Wade-centered third person.

Wade pulled up to the minimalistic modern house. The house itself was small and quant but it was obvious from the street that it had a larger fenced in yard. That made the corners of his lips twitch into an almost smile. It meant that his little Ellie was just as energetic as always and still loved the outdoors. He was glad that his place wasn't too far from a park that's actually decent. His car was sleek and black, he didn't actually remember the model but that was fine. The trunk space was big for the small package and from past experience he knew that it was a good car for being a parent. It was his trusty stead though it often collected dust in the garage.

He was surprisingly careful as he parked into the empty space and he could feel his nerves like miniature bolts of lightning in his blood stream that that grew solid into vines with thorns around his longs, making breathing difficult. He wore a pair of baggy unfitted jeans, they were faded horribly, some random running shoes as they were the closest to the doors and a dark red hoodie with the hood covering his face. Sure both Ellie and his ex new what he looked like but he didn't like it and he didn't want anyone to think that Ellie was in danger. He knocked on the door with a large glove-covered hand. She had texted him earlier as a notice that the doorbell needed to be replaced. A slight woman opened the door and sent him a withering stare. The mercenary luckily didn't laugh but he really wanted to as this was all almost comical. His ex was a small dainty thing the opposite of Wade. He was a large man, his stature was not one that sane people would want to mess with.

He was 6'4 which means that before X and cancer, he was quite the lad. He was also quite muscular with a large chest, people who saw him in his suit would say he was built like a truck but Wade Wilson thought he looked like he was hit by one.

The dangerous man let his eyes rake over the neat little clusters of boxes. Look like she has already sorted each box into which room they belonged in. She always was sorting. "Daddy!" A familiar shriek broke him out of his thoughts. Wade looked down to see a little girl, his little girl. She was slightly above her classmates height wise but bith parents knew that she was going to follow after her mother in appearance. Her blonde hair was pulled into pig-tails, her fringe helping her child-like appearance. Ellie smiled brightly which showed off her missing tooth, Wade wanted to ask about that, her arms had a couple bandaids on them too... She wore a pink t-shirt and light blue overalls. She was just too cute.

"My suitcase is in the living room! I-" She was cut off by an accidental trip that was luckily not a full adventure to the ground. She bounced back though. Her mother, who was pleased that she was quick enough to catch her daughter, turned to her ex-partner. "Clumsy?" He asked, bemused. 


Wade had been helping Ellie unpack when he heard the sound of the door unlock and click open. Ellie looked up from where she was wrestling her favourite teddy out from under some of her other things. Her expression was innocent and quizical. Wade furrowed his brow, not expecting company and stood up. He was of course worried that he would have some unwanted visitors but when he left the room and leaned into the wall, attempting to be threatening, he had his concerns delt with. "You're not supposed to be in today" He said calmly.

"Ms. Eleanor's mother sent over a copy of relevant health information, I thought you shouod want them" Heather said. She wore a pair of blsck shorts, heeled-ankle boots that were also black, a raspberry coloured sleeveless turtleneck and a black leather jacket that had a variety of pins and buttons. The elf-like girl also had her leather fingerless gloves and a beanie that was the same colour as her top. She reached out her hand that was clutching a folder. Wade hesitantly took it from her. "Could have let me know you were coming" He said. "Sir, with all due respect. You need a new phone before I can do that" with a tone like that,no wonder she had to specify it was meant with respect. Yeesh.

Ellie, after hearing an absence of violence or her father yelling, decided to see what was going on. She crept hesitantly and successfully into the hall. Heather was the first to notice her and the young adult's strange eyes seemed to go through the girl, Ellie couldn't help but gasp as she met those eyes. The noise alerted Deadpool and he turned around to see his daughter. "Ms. Eleanor, that was not wise. By Mr. Wilson's immediate reaction I can imagine you thought there was a threat. I may be no danger to you but you could have gotten hurt" Heather reprimanded. "M not scared" the child responded. Heather clicked her tongue in an unimpressed manner. "And you shouldn't be! There's nothing that your old man can't protect you but please be careful hun" Wade said. She walked over and stood by her father, still curious about the strange woman. "Baby, this is Heather. She works for me and she was just dropping off some things your mom sent me" He attempted to explain in a soft voice. "So she's not your girlfriend?" The child blurted out. "No" The mercenary answered. His secretary was silent, she forgot how little tact children possessed. "Why not?" Of course there was a follow up question. "Well, I'm not exactly Ryan Reynolds" Deadpool joked.

Heather left, claiming a need to do some extra work when Ellie asked why she couldn't stay to play with her. Wade was proud with this achievement, sure the duo didn't immediately become best friends but he was glad that Heather wasn't awful with his daughter. It could have gone so much worse.

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