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Wade-centered third person.

Wade was sat on the floor of his living room with Ellie,a board game sat innocently between them. He knew the game, of course he did. Wade was childish in his own way and so there would be no way that he didn't know how to play and also every other miniscule fact open the game. Plus he had played it about a million times before whenever Ellie lives with him. It was her favourite game after all.

But the dad couldn't help it. He loved the way her eyes would light up as she tried to explain the game. Loved her little girlish giggle as she answered one of his dumb questions. It all made him so happy so every time they played it, Wade would pretend that he had never played the game and did not know how. She never seemed to mind. It was a fun experience for the little family.

Heather was fussing around, sticking multi-coloured sticky notes in random places. She was currentlt wearing a utility belt that had a specific place for her sticky notes. Wade would describe the belt as being stolen from an office desk job themed superhero.

She wore a dark purple baggy t-shirt euth chunky sleeves and a thot-knot at the side. She wore a high-waisted black denim, which was where the belt was secured to. She also had fishnets and over the fishnets she had light purple coloured socks that were suppossed to be knee-highs but they had slipped slightly because of her frantic movements. She wore black combat boots and her black leather gloves.

She had to set reminders for Wade. She even stated to leave little notes with sweet messages for young Eleanor because she had mentioned that she thought the sticky notes were pretty and she was secretly jealous that only her dad got them, but she wouldn't mind because her dad deserved something special. The young secretary set reminders for all sorts of things that Wade needed. Her impersonal scrawl was set upon thousands of little notes.

There was a lavender one on the pristine fridge. It was a fact about how many times takeout was socially acceptable per week, and how many times were healthy enough to allow. A periwinkle one was directly under it with a quote from Wade's ex. It was a threat about feeding their daughter junk food. There was one by the door, it was black and had been written with golden calligraphy, it was a reminder of the extreme temperatures that people, especially children could endure. No one thought that Wade would hurt Eleanor and he had gotten mad when he thought she put that there to teach him how to parent. It was simply meant as a reminder in case there was a drastic weather shift. Children could be stubborn and not want to dress appropriately for the weather.

There was a note that was in his at home office with phone numbers that had been specifically asked to be called back with their messages.  Ones that didn't want to be contacted just had their names, or alias along with the message.

Heather wrote in his daily planner, messages, jobs if he had them, specific meet ups or appointments. She would also write in simple tasks or more notes, anything he needed to buy, maybe he needed to do the laundry that day or he promised to take Ellie to the park so she would write it down so that he would not forget. And so she could have the cleaners come in and tidy the place while they are out.

Wade was once again really glad that he had hired her. She did her job very well. For once it felt like his life was organized. He woke up and was capable of knowing what he was going to do that day but it was not all planned out in a suffocating way. He could choose what he did that day, if he wanted to just run around New York, she wouldn't stop him. She also didn't pick out jobs for him so if he just didn't want to do it, he didn't need to. They had fallen into a very comfortable dance.

Currently she was reviewing his grocery list and writing down any suggestions that Ellie hsd shouted out. Of course, after they had been approved by Wade because Heather was not stupid enough to anger her boss. It was good cash and she did not want to get fired even if she did have a pretty good back up plan with good old fashioned drug money but it would take her at least three years for what she made in like two weeks.  It was much more comfortable here.

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