Telling The Dragonets of Destiny

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Deathbringer's POV:
I decided that I should tell the Dragonets of Destiny when they were all together, so I sent Glory's fastest messengers to go to the Sandwing Stronghold(Sunny) and Jade mountain(Clay and Starflight) and hope that they come soon.

The Sandwing Stronghold...

Sunny was gossiping with her mother (Queen Thorn) in her room. She was still getting used to being a princess so she kept it simple: a desk, a chair, a bed (a huge nook in the floor that was filled with sand with a blanket on top), and a big rock for, of course, sun - tanning(If dragons sun-tan).

"I heard that Princess Auklet and Prince Cliff are secretly in love!" Queen Thorn gossiped.

"They are totally in love!," Sunny confirmed. "Did you see how they were looking at each other at the last Queen Meeting?"

"Of course, everyone saw it!'

"I wonder how Queen Coral and Queen Ruby are taking it"

"What do you mean?"

"Auklet is the main heir to the Seawing throne, Anemone doesn't want to be Queen plus she's in love with Tamarin and Tsunami is busy with Jade Mountain Academy. So, she is the ideal choice. But how will the Seawings react to a Skywing as their king?"

"Well, we'll let them figure that out but now let's -"

The Queen was cut off by a knock on the door. "Princess Sunny, you have a message from the rainforest," a voice called.

"Well it was fun while it lasted," Queen Thorn sighed. "I'll be right back" Sunny said.

Sunny walked over to the door and asked what the message was. She was given a small scroll that said:

Dear Sunny,

Glory has gone missing from the rainforest. I am sending out search parties right now. Also, tell Queen Thorn. Come to the rainforest through the tunnel during 'Sun Time' today. The other dragonets are coming too. See you there.


Sunny's eyes were wide when she finished reading. Where was Glory? She could have been kidnapped but that was highly unlikely. She stepped back into her room where her mother was waiting. "What does it say?" Queen Thorn asked, noticing the worried look on her daughter's face. "Glory is missing!" She replied, and left, flying straight to the tunnel. "Glory, where are you?"

Jade Mountain Academy...

"Clay!" Starflight called out. "Yes?" Clay answered. "Fatespeaker said a message arrived this morning but I can't read it (obviously) so you have to read it," handing him a small scroll. Clay read out loud:

Dear Starflight and Clay,

Glory has gone missing from the rainforest. I am sending out search parties right now. Also tell Kinkajou and Moonwatcher. Come to the rainforest during 'Sun Time' today. The other dragonets are coming too. See you there.


It took a moment before it all sunk in. With wide opened eyes, Clay and Starflight dashed out the door, well more like Clay dashed to the door and Starflight ran into things before Clay remembered he was blind and went to help him. They bumped into Moon on their way out and being a mind-reader, she quickly figured out what was happening and declared she was going with them whether they agreed or not. They left the school leaving Webs in charge, going full-speed to the rainforest.

Time Skip to when they get to the rainforest...

Deathbringer's POV:

"Oops, I forgot to tell Tsunami" I said. "Well, then tell her. " Grandeur (Glory's grandmother) snapped. "Yeah, cause we're not going to do it." Mangrove said gesturing to the only dragons that knew of the Queen's disappearance (her brother(Jambu), Mangrove, Grandeur, Moon, Orchid (Mangrove's partner), and the Dragonets of Destiny). "Why?" I asked "Because, you're the one who figured out that she was missing." Mangrove answered. "And, because she will be infuriated ." Grandeur added. "No doubt about it." I thought. I was right.

"Glory went missing on your watch!!!" Tsunami screamed.

"Maaaaaayybe." Deathbringer guessed.

"How could you! Your with her all the time!" Tsunami exclaimed.

"She told me to sleep outside! I didn't know something could happen!" I shot back.

"Enough," Sunny silenced them. "We have to stop bickering and start searching!" Everyone agreed and started naming places where Glory could be and who would tell the tribes.

The search has begun.


I'm so sorry I have not been updating that much. BUT ,I will try to make the chapters longer like this one and write more. Thanks for bearing with me.


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