The Legend of the Blood Moon

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A/N:This chapter is the longest one yet, so you might have to stop in the middle of it.

The twins moved aside to show a frame made out of the elements of the world: water, earth, fire, air, the sun, the moons, the stars and wood. "These are what make up this universe that we live in," Sumina said "without them we can't survive." That made sense but what did she mean by this universe? There were more than one? Before Deathbringer could continue that thought, the twins set the frame on fire, but their fire was like no other he had seen in his whole life. It look cosmetic, switching colors in a blink of an eye. 

Deathbringer didn't even know that they had fire let alone one as beautiful as this. "You see the story begins with us," Deathbringer turned and saw that images swirling around inside of the fire until it stopped on one showing a twin egg laying on the soft ground looking up at a big red moon the color of dragon blood. 

"We knew that we are not apart of this world," said Cigam "yet we still tried to fit in with it". The pictures moved again this time showing a young Sumina and Cigam rubbing some sort of paint over their scales and using clay to shape their bodies to look more like the other dragons. "We were shunned out of our community, both of us knew that we weren't welcome. So we moved, again and again each rejection hurt more than the last, until we finally found a place that would let us live in peace; the rainforest. The Rainwings didn't really care that we looked so different they excepted anyone, we actually lived in this very banyan tree. They were curious yet let us be who we are, even if no one actually knew who we were. There were still some wary of us, but eventually they warmed up and everyone got used to us, even inviting us to their yearly festivals. Life was great, except for one thing or rather one dragon, Narcissus. 

"He was the crown prince at that time and the definition of arrogant. At first glance he seemed handsome and charming, but once you hear a sentence from him, you would be revolted. He is so pompous and haughty his ability to make someone want to throw up every time that they see him is almost impressive." The image changed to see the twins before the queen and a very good-looking dragon, Deathbringer assumed, was Narcissus. 

"You may stay and live here for as long as you please. You may look different but that is no reason to treat you different. But if you step out of line you will have to leave once more." said Queen Hibiscus. 

"But mother," Narcissus said "How can we trust these freaks we don't know where they came from. We don't even know what tribe they're from. What if-" 

"That's enough Narcissus. I am not having this conversation with you again. Now go find your sister."  Queen Hibiscus cut him off sharply.

"But, Hydrangea is sooooooo boring. I can't believe she is going to be the next queen. You should just crown me king. Plus I'm much better than literally everybody. I'm handsome, charming, dashing, awesome, amazing, great-"

"You are none of that and never will be, you just have a pretty face and an ego big enough to touch the moons. My word is final you will never ever rule this kingdom for as long as you live."

"We'll see about that." Narcissus muttered.

"And don't even think about trying to kill me again. I know you put those oleander seeds in my watermelon yesterday and replaced my flower crown with oleander vines the day before. I saw your hands swelling up when you gave me it and how upset you were when I didn't eat the watermelon, insisting that I at lest take a bite. You really should come up with something  more creative. I have been on this throne for more than 50 years (dragon years are three times longer than ours so technically it is 150 years) you'd think I'd know that someone was trying to kill me by now, especially someone as incomplete as you."

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