A Queen's Crown

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ok so you guys know that I have been out reading the harry potter books right? Well yesterday I went to a brook in new jersey and I found the elder wand(Potterheads you know what this is)! well not literary but it looked exactly like it, the same color the same size, and same shape. Alright heres the story, sorry it's so short.

Deathbringer wook up and found himself in the forest he'd fallen asleep! "Dang it " he thought, Grandeur was going to announce the new queen in 10 minutes!(Are there minutes in the dragon world?)He started flying a fast as he can, without hitting anything, to the palace. "The new queen" he thought painfully. He'd tried to accept the fact Glory was gone but he wouldn't, no, couldn't let her go but as he drew closer to the palace the more real it became. He took a breath and stepped into the clearing where both tribes were looking at the balcony. On the baloney Grandeur was holding a crown [see:picture] over a dragons head.

The dragon was Wisteria.

Wisteria was the new queen.


As he got closer he could hear what Grandeur was saying. "With the queen's absence there is no one to take her place so now i pass the crown to a new line." She then place the crown on Wisteria's head. The crowd applause and than they all bowed.


After the ceremony Deathbringer couldn't bring (no pun intended)himself to face Wisteria he just couldn't. So he went on walk, again. This time he just wondered not really knowing where he was going. He found himself in a clearing near the oldest banyan tree, where a few years ago Blacksoul died(this is the NightWing that Icicle killed I don't know what his real name is I just made it up). 

He looked around and saw that there was a little button like shape right under the first branch so small and covered that it was almost invisible. To a normal dragon this might have looked like a little dent in the bark, but he wasn't a normal dragon. Instinctively he drew closer to get a better look at it the markings shown that it was dragon-made. Doing a quick sweep of the permeases (sorry if I spelled that wrong) to see if anyone was looking, no one was, and pressed the button.

At first nothing happened and Deathbringer thought "had he made a mistake? He probably wasn't as sharp as he was before he started living in the rainforest where there was almost never any problems. Was this why he couldn't find Glory?" he felt a pang of guilt, but then the whole tree started to shake. The roots were moving and rearranging themselves into a doorway until there was a big entryway just large enough for two adult sized dragons to go in.

Cautiously Deathbringer stepped into the cave like place and heard the roots blocking the entrance and closing him into the mysterious place. Lighting a thick branch with his fire he saw something that he would never forget.

The Queen is missing (a Glorybringer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now