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A/N: First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! also HAPPY LUNER NEW YEAR!!!!!!!  I know it's a little late for that now, but I hope you all had a great time. Sorry for not posting in awhile. I have been busy with all the holidays and homework😑 but now here is the story.

When Deathbringer got back to his little hut near the Rain Palace his first thought was to run back to the banyan tree and bagger the twins for more details, but he knew he couldn't. The tree opened only once a thousand years and he went, meaning no one could get in the banyan tree for hundreds of years to come.

He decided that the best hiding spot for the jewelry would be the metal safe inside another safe buried under his scroll rack and surrounded by poisonous white thorns. He had kept his most valuable possessions in there like his first weapon, a drawing of his mother and a drawing of Glory. As he began carefully getting the safe out he thought about all the craziness of his life, just a few years ago a crazy scavenger stabed him twice and ordered him to go to the Sandwing Stronghold and if he didn't take that as a warning that his whole life was about to change then in the Ice Kingdom a beautiful Icewing that turned out to be a disguised Rainwing held a chakra to his throat and then later became his queen.

Once Deathbringer finally got the safe out, he put the bag Sumina and Cigam gave him and started putting everything back in place until it looked as though nothing had happened. Just when Deathbringer was starting to fall asleep he looked out the window and saw that the sun was rising already! He had been up all night and hadn't got a wink of sleep! Deathbringer groaned, he hadn't stayed up all night since when he had an assassin assignment that called for having no rest at all.

Then Wisteria came in. She was eating a guava, Deathbringer never really saw its appeal but Glory loved them. 

"Hey, ready to go to Mangrove and Orchid's?"

Oh no! Deathbringer totally forgot that they were spending the day there, Orchid said that she'd found someone that she wanted them to meet and had something to tell them all. 

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

Deathbringer got up and gathered his pouch, some berries and stuffed two whole bananas in his mouth before saying:

"Ok, let's go."

...But it ended up sounding like:

"Oh ak lit us gaw."

Wisteria laughed and they flew to Mangrove and Orchid's hut they'd made a few years ago. 

"Hello," Mangrove said shortly

"Hi guys! come in, come in!" overenthusiastic Orchid told them, practically bouncing on her toes.

They led Deathbringer and Wisteria into a room with three hammocks, a scroll rack, and four dragons inside. The biggest was a brilliant shade of green with yellow highlights, the seconded oldest was cherry red and eating raspberries, third was the youngest with scales the palest pink, and the last one who was reading a scroll, was around Deathbringer's age maybe a little younger, and had deep purple almost black scales.

"This is Poinsettia, " Orchid introduced, pointing to the red dragon, "My long lost sister!"

Deathbringer's jaw dropped to the floor, this was defiantly not what he was expecting. Wisteria just laughed, she probably knew everything from the start.

"I know right?" Orchid asked, "every since Glory found out that her grandmother was Grandeur, I have been looking for some one I'm related to and even though it took me years, I found them!"

"Evergreen is Poinsettia's husband," Orchid gestured to the green dragon and then to the pale pink and purple, "and these are their children Lychee and Nightshade."

While Lychee smiled at him, Nightshade didn't even look up from the scroll he was reading. Rude. Deathbringer thought.

No one else noticed, though, and everyone started talking and inviting more dragons to come over. Even Wisteria seemed too busy with the growing party to even look at him. Deathbringer sighed and decided to have fun with everyone else and think about everything later.

Two hours later...

Deathbringer wanted to get away from the party so he quickly excused himself from a conversation with Lychee who was pretty nice and friendly but sometimes talks too much, like Kinkajou.

As Deathbringer walked into the less crowed garden behind the hut, he thought he heard faint voices but as he looked around he saw that everyone had went inside and he was alone in the garden. The farther away from the hut he walked the voices grew louder and he found it was coming from the green house where the seeds and tools were kept. He came close enough to hear part of the conversation.

"When are you going to tell him?" whispered a voice that Deathbringer recognized as Nightshade

"I don't know yet." replied the other.

"He needs to know, he can help us."

"I'll tell him soon, just after we find out where it is."

"That just might be sooner than you think." Nightshade said spotting black scales.

Deathbringer moved to look at them and when he realized who the other dragon was, made him think that he was dreaming.



Ha, ha, ha bet you didn't expect THAT. Sorry to be leaving you on such a cliffhanger but I'm going on vacation soon. Bye for now!


The Queen is missing (a Glorybringer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now