Below and Behold

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"Lighting a thick branch with his fire he saw something that he would never forget."

Blood shined from the ceiling giving off a red hue showing glass cases with the most beautiful jewelry that a dragon would die for, and in the middle of it all two dragons (laying on what looked like a solid gold platform) blood stained and dripping with diamonds and crystals. 

"Hello Bringer of Death" one of them spoke with an airy tone, a female.

"We have been expecting you"  said the other in a dreamy voice, a male.

"After all every thousand years someone comes, they always come" They said together in perfect unison.

As Deathbringer's eyes adjusted he saw them more clearly they looked like no other dragon he'd seen before with scales that looked like each held a dozen rainbows trapped inside, glittering so vividly in the light that the shiniest disco ball Kinkajou could make, would look dull in comparison. They held themselves with such grace and elegance it wordlessly screamed power. The authoritative aura they were giving of made Deathbringer feel like he should bow. They were positively gorgeous.

"Who are you?" Deathbringer asked he had a strange feeling he could trust them, but he still wanted to no who they were.

"My name is Sumina" said the first dragon.

"and mine is Cigam" said the second.

Deathbringer heard those names before but the dragons were suppose to be dead! They were supposedly the most beautiful dragons in the world, but they lived in 20 AS (20 years After Scorching)! The first animuses, the Wobniar Twins.

"Err... aren't you suppose to be dead?"

"Hmm, not to bright are we, well the last chosen one did try to tell us that dragons no longer remember the Day of the Fourth Moon." Sumina remarked.

"A fourth moon? How can that be? There are only three moons."Deathbringer asked, confused.

 "That you can see." Cigam corrected.

"So there are more than three moons, but the fourth is invisible?"Deathbringer questioned.

"Ahh, won no gnihctac si eh" Sumina mused. (see if you can decipher this, translations on the bottom)


"Never mind that it is just our own language, but yes and no to your question the fourth moon is not invisible just hidden."

"How can you hid something as big as the moon?"


It hit hard how naïve he had been of course it was magic, Darkstalker had made himself immoral with magic why couldn't they and then they could just enchant something clover the moon. But wait Darkstalker was the size of a small mountain  and he was only 2,000 years old how was Sumina and Cigam, from 20 AD, only the size of a normal adult. Then he menially slapped himself the answer again was, magic. While he was thinking he didn't notice the other two dragons talking in their native tongue.

"eno tsal eht naht rekciuq gninrael si eh." whispered Sumina.

"rewop reh reh dewohs ew deveileb cigam ni deveileb yllear reven aobrej tub sey." replied Cigam.

"os sseug I." Sumina sighed.

"slewej eht tuoba mih llet dluohs ew won?" Cigam questioned.

"ot evah ew." Sumina said with a meaningful look.

"What in Phyrria is going on?!" Deathbinger was getting very impatient with them both acting so vague yet, acting like they knew everything, but had no care in this world! But Sumina and Cigam remained calm and answered as though he had just asked what the weather was, not what and why two ancient, magic dragons under a tree with a lot jewelry were talking about in another language!

"All questions will be answered in time." they said in unison.

At this point Deathbringer was really frustrated and confused. In the half an hour that he had been there these dragons managed to make him feel more baffled than he ever had been his whole life!

 "You want your queen, you want answers, but have you ever stopped to think there might be a reason for all this? Have you considered why you are here? Wondered on those long walks you take, what was going on outside of your home? Or inside for that matter, wouldn't you like to know what was going on right under your nose instead of under these very roots. You used to estimate and calculate everything around you just so you didn't make another mistake, but no you are only focused on one thing now and one thing only..." said Cigam.

It took a moment for Deathbringer to process it all, but when it finally sunk in he realized that he had only been focusing on finding Glory the passed year that he had absolutely no idea of what was going on around him.

"Cigam! Too much information! You know to them all this is very confusing and hard to wrap their head around! It's only natural that he would want answers." Sumina chided.

"All right! All right! I'll make sure it won't happen again." Cigam said raising his talons in retreat.

"So, are you finally going to tell me why I'm here? Deathbringer asked.

"It depends, are you ready for the truth?"Sumina questioned.

"I am" and he meant it.

"Good. First off, if dragons aren't inattentive, forgetful fools, I'm pretty sure you know we're the first animuses, yes?" Cigam asked

"yes" Deathbringer confirmed.

"All right, so we don't have to explain that!"

 "Now have you ever heard of the Legend of the Blood Moon?"


Hi, I know it's been a long time since I updated but just so you know I'm taking down some of the A/Ns, ok? And I just found out BOOK 15 IS COMING OUT ON APRIL 5, 2022! the perspective is going to be Luna's!



(Ahh, he is catching on now)

(he is learning quicker than the last one)

(yes, but Jerboa never really believed in magic before we showed her, her power)

(I guess so)

(now, we should tell him about the jewels)

(we have to)

The Queen is missing (a Glorybringer fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now