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Mia sat in the flat as Freddie walked in and looked to her

"you know that everyone is worried over you, babe, I know that you did and I know why you did it but you are not a bad person Mia, he is and you can't let some note get to you. There is no way in hell anyone knows what happened. We covered it up and there was no way it would get traced to you even if he is found" Freddie said as Mia sighed

"you can't know that Fred, you can't know that they won't look at me. I hated my dad and this village knew it" Mia said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"look you don't need to worry if he is found it will look like an accident okay" Freddie said as Mia looked to him with tears in her eyes

Mia was scared and she didn't know what to think but she knew that she couldn't panic over or she would be found out. Freddie placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"no matter what happens I will look after you I promise" Freddie said as Mia looked to him and smiled.

Mia knew he was trying to be there for her but she knew just how hard it was

Mia walked out of her bedroom and saw Leigh who looked to her and smirked

"what?" Mia asked as Leigh looked to her and rolled her eyes

"I know what you and Freddie have been up to" Leigh teased

"says the pregnant one. Have you even told warren yet" Mia asked as she walked into the kitchen with Leigh who sighed

"no, he's away on business and I'm scared. I'm scared to tell him and he's away on business I mean we haven't been together long" Leigh said as Mia looked to her and smiled

"I know, I know that your scared but you don't need to be. I am here for you and I love you and I know warren will be and you two are going to be the best parents ever if you want to have this baby" Mia said as Leigh smiled

"and what about you and Freddie" Leigh asked as Mia looked to her and frowned

"what about us"

"well I mean he helped you cover up a murder. It's more than sex" Leigh said as Mia sighed

"I don't know what it is, but I do know is that he's great and we aren't labelling anything right now" Mia said.

Mia knew that she had no idea just what she and Freddie were and she knew it scared her to think over it.

Mia smiled as she walked into the bedroom and saw Freddie, she looked as he sat in her bed and rolled her eyes as she pulled her bun out as she climbed onto the bed

"I think you spending more time in my bed than you are" she teased as she looked to her and smiled

"well maybe I like it as I know you come back to me" he said as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close and kissed her so that he was on top of her as he leant in and kissed her as she wrapped her arms around him neck.

Mia knew it was a mess but she knew that right now Freddie was the only one keeping her from a breakdown

Sleeping with a roscoe *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now