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Mia looked to see the test was positive. She couldn't believe she was pregnant. She didn't know what she wanted to do.

Mia knew how she and Freddie hadn't even talked about kids yet. She didn't know what he wanted. Whether or not he would even want a baby.

Mia sighed as she put the test in her pocket. She walked out of the bathroom and walked into Leigh's room.

Leigh looked to her. "Well?" She asked as she pulled back the duvet.

Mia climbed into the bed and sighed. "I'm pregnant. Definitely pregnant."

Leigh smiled. "And what do you wanna do about it?"
She asked.

"I honestly don't know. My head feels like a mess. I feel all jumbled. And I'm just... I don't know. Me and Freddie need to talk about it. But I don't know what he wants either," Mia told her. She sighed. "I didn't want to be pregnant. Part of me was hoping and praying the test was negative."

Leigh took her hand. She smiled. "It will be okay. You and Freddie can work it out. I know you can. You just have to talk to him. And figure it out together."

Mia knew her sister was right. But she couldn't help but worry that this was going to drive her and Freddie apart.

Mia sighed and smiled. "I'm gonna go and talk to him actually. You're right that I do need to talk to him," she said.

Freddie opened the door. He saw Mia there and smiled. "You okay?" He asked as he looked to her.

Mia sighed. She walked into the house and looked to him. "I took the test. It's positive. I'm pregnant," Mia told him.

Freddie was shocked. He sat down and sighed. "Are you definitely sure? These tests aren't always right are they?"

Mia sighed. She sat down with him. "I'm 100%. Walking over here, I booked an appointment with the doctor. Just to get it confirmed. I wanted you to know. As you're the father," she said.

Freddie couldn't believe it. He didn't know what to think. He never thought that he would have gotten Mia pregnant. Especially since he knew that they were always careful.

Mia looked to him. "Can you say something? Do you want this?"

"I don't know. I never thought it would happen. I always thought that I'd be the one watching Joe having the kids. Never thought that it would be me," Freddie admitted.

Mia was sitting by the city wall. She looked up as Warren walked over. He smiled. "Hey. It's going well with Sienna. It won't be long until she's telling me."

Mia nodded and sighed. "Leigh is missing you. I feel bad for you having to do this."

"It's fine. Just gives me and Leigh the best sex."


Warren sat down with her. He frowned. "Are you okay? You don't seem yourself," he said.

Mia sighed. "I'm pregnant. And Freddie doesn't know what he wants. It's just making me feel like maybe he doesn't want me. Or this baby," she admitted.

Warren smiled. "Give him chance for it to sink in. It'll be okay."

Mia was lying in bed. She looked to see Freddie had text her. He wanted them to talk tomorrow.

But just what were Mia and Freddie going to do?

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