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Mia groaned as she stumbled into the flat. She and Leigh had been out getting drunk all night and her head was pounding. She looked at the clock and saw it was only 4am. She saw a text from Freddie;

Need a booty call ;) - Freddie x

Mia rolled her eyes but smirked. She knew deep down she had feelings for Freddie and she wanted more than just sex. But she wouldn't admit it to everyone. The light turned on James was stood there. "You and your sister are just trouble."

"Oh I know. We both love it."

James rolled his eyes. "Where is tweedle Dee?" He asked as he looked around for his other sister. He saw the look on Mia's face. "Who's bed did she hop into?"

"I do not know. I got brought back here by Ellie."

James again rolled his eyes. He helped Mia into bed and sighed. There was something bothering him about how Leigh had been acting out and how Mia had been covering for her. Something had happened.


The next morning, Mia walked into the living room. Leigh was there. Mia sat with her. "Did you use protection? I know you and Warren got it on," she said.

"Babes. We used more than one. I'm tired and I'm sore. I need a shower. Anyways, are you okay?" Leigh asked.

Mia nodded. "You realise that getting drunk and having sex with Warren won't change what dad did to you. You have to tell someone. Mum or James. Don't shut us out," she told her.

"It's fine. I'm fine. I have to deal with it and I'm going to."


Later on that day, Mia and Leigh were sitting in the coffee shop. Mia smirked as she got a text from Freddie. Leigh noticed and smiled. "Go on. Go get your daily shag. I know you're desperate."

"Cheeky cow. I can cope without sex. And I can especially cope without sex from Freddie Roscoe thank you."

Leigh rolled her eyes and smirked. "Mi, I know you're in love with him. Don't try and deny it. It's obvious. Your face lights up when he texts you. I see the way you look at each other. I know I'm right."

"I don't know what you're talking about. It's just sex with me and Freddie. No feelings and no complications. Simply sex."

"Can't kid a kidder. Be honest and admit how you really feel. It'll do you good. Plus it'll give you some great sex."


Mia arrived at the Roscoe house. Freddie was standing on the doorstep. Mia smirked and kissed him. Freddie kissed back with just as much passion. He pulled her inside and into the living room. "Aren't we going to your bedroom?" Mia asked.

"Nah. Thought we could do some risky."

Mia smirked and kissed him. She pushed Freddie onto the sofa and straddled him. She began to grind against him. She heard him moan in pleasure. She unfastened his jeans and pulled his boxers down.

Freddie pushed into her causing her to moan. The only sound that could be heard throughout the house was their moans and groans. Mia felt Freddie climax inside her. She was thankful she was on birth control.

"Bloody hell!"

Mia jumped off Freddie as she saw Joe standing there. She grabbed her thong and slipped it on. She said nothing as she left the house. She couldn't stop thinking about what Leigh said.

Could she tell Freddie how she really felt?

Sleeping with a roscoe *Hollyoaks*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora