Chapter 19: Another Tally... A Bigger Puzzle

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The female guard shook her head. She was still trying to wrap her head around what had happened. From an intense search and prodding around with locals they determined the prince was dead. There was obvious blood shed in their area, at least three different types of blood were present, but some guards argued there were four different blood types. The facts they knew for sure was that a man (Roberto or something) had been killed by the prince and that the prince was killed. After that, things get sketchy. There had been something about missing girl whose parents had died, but nothing concrete. They had come with different theory's, but none made much sense.

"I can only smell three blood types..." A man, with dusty brown hair and named Ralph, near by murmured.

"I swear there's four." A different guard, with red hair and named Kale, said, searching the area for any clues they had missed.

To her, it smelled as if one of the bloods changed. They were similar... Yet one was from a human and the other seemed to be from a vampire. She frowned, in deep thought at the puzzle in front of her. Slowly ideas swirled in her mind.

"Do you think it's possible he turned a human? It would explain the different smells..." She threw the idea out, seeing if someone could continue her theory.

Ralph frowned. His face clouded over in deep thought and his nostrils flared as he smelled the air deeply. "Maybe... I guess I can smell four... Or the same type of blood from a human and vampire." He glanced around as a few others nodded and murmured in consent.

One of the taller and stronger guards with a head of thick black hair interjected. "Why would he turn someone? It has no benefit to him..."

A short guard with a head of blond hair snorted. "Unless he 'fell in love.' " The comment aroused a few and chuckles from the group of guards.

The woman took command quickly, cutting of the laughter. "We have to peruse every possibility. So far, this theory makes the most sense."

The short blond, Peter, spoke up. "But who killed the prince?..."

She sighed, shaking her head. "So we know the prince was killed, along with a villager- Robert I think- and then there's our mystery person."

Ralph added, "We gathered rumors of a girl out in the woods, she could be our mystery person."

Kale nodded and spoke, "Yeah. They said something about a 'red eyed monster' killing her parents too."

The woman began to speak again. "That sounds like the prince. I want you two," she pointed toward the dusty brown and red head, "to find out more about this girl and 'red eyed monster.' Meet back here at dawn."

They nodded then with a swoosh of air, vanished towards the village.

"And you two, Peter and Evan," she pointed towards the short blond and another silent guard with caramel hair, Evan, "will contour to search the area for anything useful. You also have the same deadline, here at dawn."

The two nodded and solemnly began to search the area. It was a boring, repetitive task, but simple enough.

"And you," she looked over at the man with black hair, "You're-"

"The name's Carlos." He said, tilting his head towards her calmly. The interruption was a huge sign of disrespect, interrupting someone of a higher rank, and filled the woman with a swarming rage. She bit back her anger, her vengeance would come eventually. Instead of retorting back at him, she smiled sweetly at the thought of his downfall.

"Alright, Carlos" she said the name with a undertone of venom before returning to a sweet, melodic tone, "you're with me. We're going to search for the prince's murderer."

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