Chapter 29: Learning of Kate

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Nocturne slammed his fist down violently on the armrest of his throne. "NO!" He shouted in frustration. Rubbing his temples he stood up and slowly loosened his hands and opened them. "Dang it.. She woke up.." He muttered.

A few of his guards were cautiously watching the king, confused. The bravest guard slowly approached him and asked, "What is the matter sire?..."

"I lost my toy... I was giving the dear wonderful nightmares." Nocturne sighed and stood, looking out the window behind his throne.

"I'm sorry to hear sire." The guard said, about to move back to his post.

"I'm was searching for my son's killer," Nocturne continued, "I found this strange girl. She was recently turned and quite fun to tease. I don't believe she could have murdered my son."

"It could have been possible sire? The most recent theory is that your son killed and turned a girl from the village he was at." The guard stood still and kept his head low. He did not want to anger the king and had great courage to question and suggest something to the king.

The king stood and thought a moment in silence. "I suppose... I just don't believe that girl could have murdered him."

The guard nodded. "Whatever you think is best sire." He quickly and silently returned to his post.

Nocturne shook his head a bit. "I'll return to the girls dreams next time she sleeps to find out of it's even possible she is guilty..." He moved over and sat in his plush red throne and drummed his fingers on the armrest.

The lead guard aproached the king and fell down to one knee, looking at the ground to wait to be acknowledged. She was very patient as she waited quietly. Her armor was battered and bent, completely torn off in some places and there was evidence of blood and grime covering the female guard.

Nocturne lazily waved his hand at the guard to acknowledge her presence. "Speak your news quickly, Ana."

Ana nodded and stood up straight, holding her helmet under one arm as she began to report her message. "The attack you ordered went well. We managed to deal many casualties to the enemy but they had a surprise for us. There was a powerful, newly turned vampire among them. She fought against her own kind with great skill and power, and seems to have uncontrolled and deadly magic inside her. The vampire girl was the one who forced our retreat, sir."

Nocturne's eyebrows raised as he studied Ana silently a few moments, causing the guard to shift uncomfortably under his gaze. "A new blood?... With strong magic? Are you sure she is new?" He asked, interested now.

Ana nodded sternyl. "Yes sir. She obviously was new to everything and a new blood from her smell. Also, it was not only strong magic, but skill and strength when fighting. I'm glad I myself only tangled with her in battle for a breif moment, because few of our men were able to engage in battle with her and survive."

"Do you think she has the power of a royal?..."

Ana's eyes widened. To have the power of a royal was dangerous in these times. Nocturne had been known to seek out the vampires with great magical power and to kill them before they even got the chance or idea to duel him for the throne. "Uh-.. No-.. Possibly?... She is extremely new and lacks much control, but could pose a threat with more pratice."

Nocturne slowly nodded, thoughtfully tapping his fingers on the armrest of his throne. "Raw power..." He began quietly, trying to organize his thoughts into coherent speech, "Raw power can be quite dangerous Ana..."

"Yes sir."

"Then you know what you have to do."

"What is that exactly sir?"

"Why, kill the threat of course! But, searching for my son's killer ranks of more importance than this."

Ana nodded and began to turn to leave, then stopped and glanced back at the king. "Sire... She does fit the discription for your son's murderer."

Nocturne frowned at the idea and studied the lead guard. "How so?"

"Well.. She was recently turned and nearby the town where your son was killed. Not to mention, her raw power would easily explain how she was able to kill your son. Even as a human, she had to have been more skilled a fighter than most?"

"Hmm.. Your idea is promising. I have changed my mind, bring the threat here and have her interogated."

Ana bowed. "As you wish your Highness." She said before quickly hurrying off to organize a team to capture the new blood.

The king grinned and leaned back into his plush throne. Maybe this would work ou after all...


Luke watched Kate concerned. "Maybe you should get some more rest?.."

Kate shook her head and drank some of the deers blood from her cup. She kept her eyes closed to remain in control of herself around the blood. The only time she really lost it was in extreme hunger, but it also seemed animal book was less effective at making her lose control than blood from a person. If she didn't focus on it, she could keep control. It was extremely difficult for her to ignore the intoxicating aroma of blood and the vibrant crimson appearance.

Luke sighed and watched Kate. "Alright.. How about we get your mind off of it? We could sparr? Or maybe we can try to divide out about your magic-" He began to say.

"No!" Kate interrupted quickly, "I-I don't want any more magic or fictional things... But maybe sparring?.. That may be ok.."

Luke nodded and stood up, offering out his hand to help Kate up. After a moments hesitation, she set down her cup and took hold of his hand to stand. Together they walked out of the tent and towards the edge of camp.

"Swords or no swords?" Luke asked and stopped by a rack of various weapons. Each one looked deadly in various ways. Enormous hammers for smashing, long curved swords for slicing, daggers for quick and deadly dicing, axes for decapitating and so many more she could not recognize some. There were even various types of swords; some long, some wide, some jagged, and some curved and double ended.

"Uh... Maybe learning how to properly use a sword would be good?.." She said and reached towards a light and long blade that was slightly curved.

Luke glanced at the sword she was reaching for and smiled. "I think you would prefer the dual katanas instead of that one." He quickly grabbed two matching katanas and placed them in Kate's hands.

Kate looked over the katanas. They were identical in every way. Their hilts were a comfortable leather and a bright red, extending upwards was a bright blade that was slightly curved and came to a deadly point at the top. The swords were surprisingly light and balanced in her hands as she shifted them from side to side.

Luke laughed slightly. "It seems you like those two! Let me give you their sheath." He quickly moved behind the rack and grabbed a sheathed for the blades. It was mostly black with a red design that matched the hilt. Moving behind her he put the crossed sheath behind her and secured it on her back. "A perfect fit!"

Kate smiled and sheathed the katanas. "They're very nice... Thank you Luke."

"You're welcome Kate.. Now let's go sparr!" He said and picked up one large blade in a sheath and threw it onto his back, continuing in his previous direction as Kate smiled and followed.

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