Chapter 16: Finishing Touches

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Kate wasn't tied to a chair or knocked unconscious for once. She remained in her chair, shocked and scared. Kate wasn't sure how to process all this. She'd opened a box of memories and emotions that she didn't want to deal with. Deep down she knew she'd have to deal with them eventualy, but it would be hard.

Kate slipped off her chair and into a pile on the floor, her head dropping forward and legs sprawled out. She finally stopped trying to control her memories and emotions and let lose the one's she had held back since her parents deaths. She expected tears to come, but somehow they didn't come. It was as if she had too many emotions to cry.

Why me? She thought.Why did I have to be the one turned? Why'd my parents have to die? How come it was me who was taken to this prison?! I didn't sign up for this.

Kate rolled onto her back. She stared at the dirt ceiling for a long while. How long had it been? Kate could have been there a year and she couldn't tell. There was no sun, watches, or clocks around here. It felt like years ago when her parents had been alive. Maybe it was only a week?... Only a week ago her parents where alive. Only six days ago she was human. Only five days ago she was free. Everything had changed so quickly.

She sat up. Kate still had trouble wrapping her mind around everything, so she began to recite small facts that were true and ease into what happened.

"I am Katherine Evans." She murmured to herself, "I am sixteen years old. My mother and father were killed by a vampire. I hunted down the vampire and killed it. The vampire turned me. I am now a vampire. I killed a person. I am also in a cell with werewolves guarding it. I can't control myself."

She pulled we knees to her chest and rested her chin on top of her knees. Kate sat there, letting all her emotions and memories wash over her.

She felt stupid for having all these thoughts, but she couldn't control her fate or change the past. Kate sighed and slipped back into the chair.

"How to pass the time..." She murmured. Kate looked around the room to find there was only the three chairs.

She walked up to one chair and sat down in front of it. Maybe she could do something with it? Kate frowned and murmured, "Couldn't you have been something more fun? Like a ball?"

Without realizing it, Kate's eyes began to glow red. She pictured the chair morphing into a ball to amuse herself. But slowly, the chair began to bend as if it was melting. It vended and warped, wrapping around itself. It molded like cookie dough in a chef's hands. The chair began to finish molding and her eyes faded back to blue.

Kate stared in disbelief as a bouncy ball dropped on the ground in front of her. What was once a wooden chair was now a rubber bouncy ball.

"How?..." She picked up the ball in her hands and rolled it around in her palm. It felt real and like any other ball. Kate bounced it a few times and it came up just like it had always been a ball and not a wooden chair.

Kate couldn't work out how it had happened and sighed, giving up. Too many things go on in the world she couldn't solve. How vampires existed, how werewolves could shift with their clothes, and now a chair turning into a bouncy ball. Amongst the other things she'd seen, the ball seemed as if it was less of a concern.

She sank back into her chair, the un-ballified one, and threw the bouncy ball against the wall, catching it as it bounced back.


"Are you nuts?!" Magnus shouted at Luke.

"No." Luke said as he turned down a hall at a brisk pace.

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