Chapter 25: A Blossoming Friendship

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Kate sat at the edge of the lake. Her shoes were off and the cool water felt nice on her bare feet. Slowly running her finger through her hair she was able to start untangling all the knots in her hair so it was smooth again; it had grown to be a complete mess over the several days of repeatedly being knocked unconcious. It was a wonder she didn't have brain damage or was able to keep waking up. Then again, she wasn't human any more, so it seemed human rules didn't apply to her injuries anymore.

The lake rippled from the soft breeze and caused the reflection of the night sky to blur slightly. The night air was cool and the crescent moon gave little light, which want much of a problem for Kate. Despite the lack of light, she could see farther than she could as as human with the sun out.

"So, I was thinking I should at least explain to you my plan then. I owe you at least that instead of dragging you around without you fully understanding what is going on." Luke brought up the subject casually while sitting on a rock in the lake.

"You admit that this isn't just for my well being and your good nature to help me then?" Kate joked slightly and continued trying to tame her hair.

Luke laughed slightly and nodded. "Sorry, but no. I'm not sure how much you know about the history of vampires and werewolves and current events between us..." He trailed off, thinking to himself.

"Werewolves and vampires hate each other and fight a lot. Currently, there's a war going on, right?" Kate watched Luke curiously now.

Luke nodded. "Yeah, basicly... I'm the prince of the werewolves, and I never liked the war. I do have an idea though, I think you can stop the war. It's a crazy plan but once you hear it all out it'll make more sense?.." He picked up a stone and tossed it to Kate.

She caught the stone and rolled it Round in her hand. "Go on then, explain it to me."

"Someone's eager to learn then." Luke grinned a bit.

"And someone else is postponing their explanation.." She rolled her eyes and then watched him.

"Alright, alright... So, there's a way for vampires to gain the crown without being born into the royal blood line. I'm nor sure of the exact title of it, but you challenge the king for the crown. The duel has pretty simple rules. First, only one challenger at a time. Second, one weapon only and any natural abilities the fighter has, including magic, strength, speed, and more. The last rule is it is a fight to the death. It doesn't end until only one fighter is left alive."

Kate was qide eyed at this point as she stared at Luke and clutched the stone tightly in her hand. "Are you joking?! I can't do that! I learned about vampires and werewolves about a week ago! Not to mention I'm only a new blood and can hrdly control myself!" She stood up now, her emotions a tangled mess. Part of her was angry that he wanted her to end his war, another was scared and fearful she would die, but there was a part of her that wanted to fight and was a bit happy he thought she could so it. What am I going to do?.. She thought.

Luke still sat calmly, as if he had been expecting this reaction. "I understand this is a lot for you to take in Kate, but I know you can do this. You have acted differently than any other vampire I have seen, no to mention I can sense you have power and magic in you. I saw you when you fought those two vampire guards. They weren't new bloods and had been trained as soilders, yet you killed one and scared off the second. Can just anyone do that?"

Kate shook her head and stepped back. "I- It- I don't know! I don't understand any of this..." She let out a huff of air and sat down, rolling the stone around her palm.

Luke made his way towards her quietly across the stones in the lake. "I get that, but that's why I took you here. You need training to do this. I can help you with some things, but others you may have to do yourself. I'm not exactly a vampire expert.."

She laughed dryly, "Luckily I'm in the same boat as you there.."

He made it to the lake shore and stood next to Kate, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Maybe we can figure it out together then?"

"Maybe.. Let me get this straight though. You want me to duel the vampire king, to win, and gain the crown, right?"

"That's what I'm hoping for."

"What would I do then?.. And how do you know I won't be worse than the last king?.."

Luke laughed a bit. "Because I trust you."

Kate looked up at him now and stared. "Why trust me?.."

"Well-.. I don't know. I guess I have faith in you?.. And you do owe me for getting you out of jail and saving you form being executed." Luke joked, grinning now.

Kate laughed a bit, slowly smiling, "Yeah, I guess I do. Then again, I did happen to save you from those guards!" She teased him slightly and smiled.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Luke laughed a bit and smiled like an idiot.

"Yes you do!" Kate said, smiling widely now and standing up.

"Nu-uh" He said and shook his head, grinning still.

Before Kate could react, he Playfully shoved her into the lake. Her eyes widened as she fell into the water, trying to hold her breath at first as she went underwater. After a few moments, she remembered she was a vampire. I don't need to breathe... Kate mentally slapped herself and swam down to the deep part of the lake, sitting on the bottom of the lake and then looking up at Luke grinning.

He watched her swim down, taking a moment to realize what she was doing. "Oh come on! That's no fair!" He pouted slightly.

All she did was smirk up at Luke silently and remained put. She couldn't her a word he was saying but the pouting look of a toddler on his face made her want to laugh. She wondered if he was going to start stomping around and have a tantrum.

Luke jumped onto a stone to get close to Kate, watching her on the bottom. "This in funny you know?!" He pouted more and jumped to another rock. There was am pause and then his foot slipped on the wet rock, causing him to flail his arms around to try and avoid falling into the water. It want very helpful to wave his arms around around he tumbled into the water.

Kate laughed a bit under the water at his clumsiness and swam towards Luke. She quickly grabbed onto him and used and rock to propel both of themselves out of the water towards the shore. The only problem was she didn't yet know the extent of her own new strength and uses too much force. They went flying out of the water and over the shore. Kate quickly lost her grip on Luke and slammed into a tree making her yelp.

Luke hit the ground and rolled a bit, wincing. "Ok...Ow..." He mumbled and began to get up, wincing and looking at Kate.

She had hit a tree and gotten tangled in tow branches. Her arms were wrapped around one branch and her legs hung on another one a bit higher up. "Sorry.. And that hurt.. A lot.." She said, shifting to try and get out of the tree, ending up falling out and landing on her back. "Ow!" She shouted out, but seemed to be alright.

"Sheesh.. We're gonna feel this tomorrow.." Luke winced as he sat up.

"I meant to just push off to the shore and get you out of the water.." Kate mumbled and stayed laying down.

"Well, you got us out of the water?" Luke stood up, soaked from the water. He walked over to her and offered out his hand. "Need some help?" Kate sighed and took his hand as he helped her up to her feet. "Now let's get you back too camp before the sun comes up."

"Right.. Back to my cell?"  She asked, her voice a bit sad.

"No, you can have a tent near mine. I don't want you too far off. Bekah could try and hurt you.. She's still not happy."

"Oh.. Thank you then."

"No problem." Luke smiled and began to walk back towards the camp, Kate trailing behind, a bit sore from her quick flight and fall. It seemed things were finally starting to turn our better for her. Maybe this can work, she thought.

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