Chapter 33: The Challenge of the Throne

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Kate didn't have a plan still. So instead she decided brute force was the way to go. She pulled down hard on the chains and kept yanking downwards. The chains themselves were strong she slowly realized, but the satisfying cracking sound came from the ceiling. She continued to pull downwards on her wrists. The cuffs dug deep into her skin and blood began to flow down her arm. It hurt, but it would be less pain than being tortured and killed. It took a long time, and just when Kate was about to give up, a section of the roof gave way, the chains falling limply. Kate fell to the ground as the long chains crashed against the ground around her.

That was louder than expected... She thought to herself.

She gripped the knife in her stomach and pulled it out with a pained yelp. Studying her cuffs she began to pry them open with the knife. One cuff fell to the ground and her wrist was free. Two cuffs fell of and another wrist and ankle were free. Now to get the cuff off her last ankle.

By then the clamor had gotten the attention of the guards. They unlocked the door and looked in at Kate. Their eyes went wide. "The new blood is escaping!" The guard let out his last words in a surprised shout. Kate moved quickly, having gotten off the last cuff, she threw the knife into his chest, puncturing his heart. The guard fell to the ground dead.

Now to get out. She looked at the table of weapons and picked up a sword with a jagged edge, beginning to run out of the room and trying to find an exit. She had to get out. Kate ran and didn't stop. Trying to avoid guards didn't ways work but she managed to slice and slash at guards to get away from them. This wasn't going well at all.


Nocturne sat at his throne, planning how to get under Kate's skin once more. He had to do it just right to win. Then he heard it. Crashing sounds, shouts of pain, and the sound of metal on metal. He moved swiftly to the source of the noise, his eyes widened to find Kate blazing through his guards, but hopelessly lost. He ran over, grabbed her by the throat, and slammed Kate into a wall.

"How did you get out?!" Nocturne shout loudly at her.

Kate flinched slightly and kicked at Nocturne, wincing in pain from all her wounds. "That doesn't matter now does it?.. I'm out.."

Nocturne glared at Kate and started to drag her towards the roof of the castle. "It's time for your public torture and then execution.. I've decided that's your fate.."

Kate's eyes widen as she thought frantically. How could she get out of this?! She winced in pain as she was dragged behind Nocturne. Slowly an idea came to her mind. Luke. Luke wanted her to dual the king. At least that way she wouldn't be tortured if she died, right?.. No, she probably would, but not without a fight. "I challenge you Nocturne to the royal dual!"

Nocturne stopped, dropping Kate he turned to look at her. "The sacred dual of the throne? The fight to decide our ruler? You wish to be queen, dear?" His voice was cold and menacing. "You wouldn't last five seconds against me unless I let you. And you would have more public humiliation that way.."

"My challenge still stands." Kate winced and rose to her feet. "I challenge you for the throne and right to be ruler."

The guards were still and starring at Nocturne and Kate. It had been a thousand years sense someone had challenged the royal blood line. Maybe the poor new blood had lost her mind..

"Let the challenge begin! We shall prepare all tonight and fight tomorrow night. Guards, take her and make her ready." Nocturne declared and vanished into a shadow.

The guards grabbed onto Kate and lead her into a room. The room looked comfortable with various weapons to choose from, books, clothes, and armor. She heard the door lock behind her. There was no going back now...

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