Chapter 22: Meeting the Competition

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Bekah was going to make sure everything her older brother had planned would fall apart. She would start with the new blood. It would have to be set up right. Either she would have an accident remove him or make his plan look insane and him along with it. She'd try to just remove him first, that way she wouldn't have to worry about the possibility of him trying to reclaim the throne.

The Wooden Cell looked well built as Bekah approached it. Luke probably gathered the best and most loyal builders for this project, she thought. The secret door way worked smoothly and slid to the side to grant her passage. She strode into the cell and the door slid back into place with the whirring of gears.

The new blood looked up at her with blue eyes. It looked ragged and filthy with tares, blood, and grass stains all over its clothes. She looked over the caged new blood, trying to see what was so special about it. If anything, it looked like a lesser new blood among all the ones she's seen.

"What's so special about you, new blood?..." Bekah questioned it. Unsure if it could even speak English.

It watched her silently a few moments. The new blood allowed the silence to build. Just when Bekah was certain it wasn't or couldn't speak, it said. "I wish I knew... I didn't want any of this..."

Bekah chuckled slightly. "But this is your life now and you don't get much of a choice."

It stared at her, emotionless. After a while of silence, it began to unnerve her. The new blood was odd, that's for sure. Most of them are in a rage of fury after over coming the initial shock of everything. They become the real blood thirsty monsters that they truly are. It was just a shell to hide the demon inside them. They appeared as humans, and fair ones at that.

The new blood suddenly let out a dry laugh and spoke, "You're right, and I hate that. I hate I have no control. I saw my parents die and then all of this happened!" It gestured at everything surrounding her. "Now what is it that you want? No one's been to visit me so far." The new blood watched Bekah skeptically.

Bekah chuckled, "You're smarter than most, and a bit... Odd... But you've scared a good amount of Luke's men. If it was up to me I'd have you killed here and now, but sadly, I can't do that."

"You didn't answer my question. What are you here for?" It watched her still.

"Well then, I'm here to see what my brother sees in you. Sadly, I don't seem to. All I see is yet another new blood."

It watched her a few moments, calculating, "So Luke is your brother?"

Bekah merely nodded. "I'm his younger sister. Now I should go get to my important planning." She turned and pressed a well hidden button on the wall, triggering the whirring of gears as the door moved to the side, opening. "Good bye for now new blood..." Bekah exited the Wooden Cell, then door rolling shut behind her.

Kate sat there and watched the strange lady leave. For being Luke's sister, she acted nothing like him. But then again, siblings aren't always alike, are they? It didn't matter. She was still holed up in this rotten place. Everything was wood and large crosses hung on the walls to prevent her escape. And even if she did make it out, what would she do?

Kate couldn't exactly go home to her family... They were dead.. She shuddered as she remembered Roberto, blinking back tears. Once Smith found out what happened and what she was now, she was dead. Technically, she already died but she wouldn't even be the undead if Smith found out.

All that was left for her to do was to sit and wait, letting others decide her fate. Maybe death would be easier. She may see her parents that way... But like any living thing, she didn't want to die. As long as she could she wanted to live. Then again, was this, being a vampire, actually living? That was something she couldn't answer. Maybe I will find a way to live almost normally in another village... Find some friends... Start a family- She began to think but stopped. Kate couldn't start a family. What if she ended up hurting them? Or anyone else in the village for that matter?

OK so not a village. She thought, I could make a little cabin in the woods by a lake. Draw and relax all I wanted. Have a peaceful, calm life.. That was possible. Now to escape, run away, and build a cabin. Simple, right?


Luke laid still in the medical tent, it hurt to move. She's going to destroy everything, and all because she wants to be the stupid heir! That throne is worth more to her than the lives of everyone in the pack! He shook his head. The only way he could stop the execution was to be in proper health and to order it to stop. Sadly, he wasn't going to be well anytime soon for Kate's execution tomorrow.

At least, not naturally. Luke's eyes widened and he laughed to himself, "I'm an idiot." His golden eyes began to glow as he used magic to heal himself slowly, not being strong enough to do it quickly. He wounds closed slowly and began to vanish one by one as he used his own magic to heal himself. He was going to make sure there was no execution tomorrow. Bekah was not going to get away with this.

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