Chapter 28: Bridge of Rumors and Lies

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Bekah was glad she hadn't been severely injured in the fight. A bruise here, a cut there, nothing major. News spread quickly though that the new blood was capable of strong magic and had been heavily wounded in the fight. People were frightened that it could use magic. Many of the people at the camp murmured that thr new blood was going to kill them all with its powerful and unholy powers.

Bekah grinned, giddy with joy. This was exactly what she needed to convince the people. She can use their fear to turn them against the new blood and Luke!

"Have you heard that Luke has no idea how to control it?" Bekah whispered to one of the men in the camp.

"Really?.. How can he trust that thing! It sent hundreds of its own kind flying and turned them all to ash!" The man exclaimed.

Bekah was happy to hear this variation of what happened. With all the different versions, it would be hard to tell what exactly happened. "Are you sure she only did that?.. I saw Luke was injured too. I also heard the new blood threw him into a tree!"

The man's eyes widened as he jumped to a conclusion. "Do you think the new blood hurt him?! He's insane to trust that thing! If it hurt him like that, how can he possibly trust it?"

Bekah shook her head. "I have no clue.. Maybe my dear brother has lost his mind." She sighs and looks at the ground, acting as if she was saddened by the thought and concealing her joy at how easily manipulated these people could be.

"That would be horrid! We'd have to find someone else to take the throne.. But who could be as good a prospect to take the throne as him?-" The man paused and watched Bekah, "Why, you could!"

Bekah's eyes widened with fake surprise as she looked up at the man. "Me? Not possible!"

"Yes it is my dear princess! You're aware of what goes on and warn the people! You tell us what is in your mind and tried to remove the new blood threat before it was too late. We should have listened to you in the first place.."

"Thank you for your compliments. But I did seem silly trying to oppose someone you all trust so much.. And all I'm trying to do is inform the people and be with them." Bekah smiled slightly, continuing her deceiving charade.

"You have my gratitude! Now I must be off to spread the word!" The man grinned and ran off to another group of people, engaging in and intense conversation.

Now it was time to let the rumors grow and spread.


"What?.. What about when I wake up?! Won't I leave then?!" Kate shouted and tried to climb up the side of the net to find the top. The net seemed endless as she slowly felt her way up the net, careful to get a firm handhold and foothold before putting her full weight on it.

"Ha! That's what you think dear, but no. You cannot wake unless I allow it. You are in my dream realm and you can't leave without my premission!" The voice said, enjoying her discomfort and frustration. It chuckled slightly at her. "Dear, you would do better staying still.."

"I want out of here! I'm not staying still until I get out!" She shouted and continued slowly feeling her way up. Hand over hand and foot over foot she slowly but surely made progress. "How high up does this go?..."

"As high as pleases me dear."

"So I could be climbing forever? How is that possible?!"

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