Chapter 14: From Bad To Worse

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Kate's plan worked well. Maybe a bit too well. Now that she was out of her cell, where is she going to go? How will she get out? It's not like they'll hand her map and point her towards the "escape exit for prisoners!"

Assuming she even made it out of this labyrinth of tunnels, which she doubted, where would she go then? It's not like she could go back to normal with her parents- Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. Even if she went back into town, she couldn't face Smith... Explaining how she was turned and killed Roberto... And that's if he doesn't kill her first.

But at the instant, Kate was darting down halls, taking sharp turns and trying not to let the animals behind her catch up. Why an animal was chasing her, she had no clue. Kate was almost certain it was an animal, the snarling and snapping that came from behind her definitely wasn't a guard.

The animal behind her had claws that scrapped the hard earthen floor as it growling across on all floors. It was snarling, huffing, puffing, and nipping at Kate as she ran. Every time she turned, Kate glimpsed a grayish, furry creature with cold, glowing, blue eyes.

She ran with a speed Kate didn't even think possible, barely managing to make last minute decisions so she didn't run into people or dead ends. The people all screamed when they saw her, she even thought some of them turned into creatures similar to the one chasing her.

People... Wonderful, delicious, blood filled- No! No more killing!

Kate was distanced with her thoughts and she clipped a wall with her shoulder. It sent her spinning into another wall and she grunted in pain. The creature lunged, pinning Kate in her moment of confusion, barring viscous looking teeth.

Kate hissed, barring her fangs instinctively and threw the creature off. It slammed against the opposite wall with a loud yelp and collapsed on the floor. Now she got a good look at the animal; it was a wolf with glossy gray fur that had white and black mixed in evenly with the gray.

The wolf whined as it struggled to stand, collapsing on the ground. She must have hurt it. The wolf's ice blue eyes stared at her, petrified of her. The poor thing looked like it would roll over dead just from fear. It finally gave up trying to stand and laid still, growling at her and flattening it's ears.

"I-I'm sorry..." Kate murmured to the wolf.

The wolf stopped growling, staring at her as if making sure it heard Kate right.

"I-I didn't mean to-..." Kate backed up against the wall as red blossomed over the wolf's pelt. Her fangs extended and she squeezed her eyes shut. The intoxicating smell filled her nose, causing Kate's eyes to brim red.

The smell... She couldn't keep out the scent of it... Blood... Maybe just a bite... She'd be fast...

Suddenly a ear piercing howl cut off her thoughts. Kate screeched in agony and clutched her ears, keeping her eyes shut. She crumpled to the ground, in pure pain from the noise. It felt like her ears would burst and nerves fry from the pain. She opened her eyes, glimpsing another set of brown paws. Kate's vision edged black and spots danced in front of her eyes. Finally, the pain stopped as she dropped off into unconsciousness- yet again.


The second wolf howled, long and loud, calling for help and causing the vampire searing pain. It watched the new blood crumple to the ground and keel over in agony. Eventually the new blood's body became slack when the pain became unbearable to it.

The wolf only stopped when people came racing to see what was going on, Luke among them. Luke took in the situation and knelt by Magnus.

Magnus was in his wolf form, which was a beautiful gray. Luke chocked back a sob when he saw the blood staining Magnus' beautiful coat and the white bone producing from it. Luke didn't wait to figure out what happened, or why Magnus was injured, he just went straight to tending to Magnus.

The power came to him easily and Luke directed it to Magnus, willing it to mend the wound. Luke's eyes glowed golden as he healed his friend, but the action drained him to an uncomfortable level of power. The magic would restore itself eventually, but he wouldn't be healing major wounds and then teleporting to China anytime soon (yes, he could do that if he wanted.)

Magnus whined as his bone shifted back into place and the wound itself sealed. Luke rubbed Magnus' head as Luke's golden eyes stopped glowing.

"He should be fine, but get him to the infirmary so he can rest." Luke said.

Luke turned and left several men to tend to Magnus. Luke quickly recognized the unconscious new blood; Kate had been her name. She had been the one to injure Magnus?... Maybe Luke was wrong...

Everyone kept their distance from the new blood, they all knew she was dangerous- and different. Kate stirred, letting out a quiet moan that made everyone jump. A few guards grabbed her and pinned her to the wall. Another guard got a pair of cuffs and cuffed Kate's hands behind her back. She was still groggy and slow to react, and probably still in pain.

A pit formed in Luke's stomach. He was going to trust her... But she's just a killer like all the rest.

A few guards watched Luke, waiting for orders.

"Take it to one of the more secure containment cells." Luke ordered. "I'll deal with her soon. "

The guards began to drag a half conscious Kate away towards the better containment cells. Before they rounded a corner, she began to thrash in their hold. Luke looked away, he just couldn't deal with the new blood now. He'd deal with that problem later...

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