Chapter 21: Mister Sister

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Luke started to wake, lifting his head and looking around. He was in his wolf form still, which was a bit disorienting, and being in a strange place didn't help either. Where am I?.. He thought as he looked around. Cloth walls surrounded him and rose to a peak above him, creating the walls of the tent. Luke started to try and stand, pain flared through his body and he yelped, falling back to the ground. Then he noticed the bandages covering all of his wounds.

What happened?... He thought. Slowly, his foggy mind began to remember what happend. Then it came quickly. The two vampires, Kate yelling in pain, himself being beaten to the ground from a vampire and going unconscious. He vaguely remember being carried but wasn't sure if it was a fragment of dream or reality. Where's Kate? Is she alright? He thought and looked around the small tent.

Letting himself relax a moment, he quickly switched back into his human form and pushed himself into a sitting position. The movement made him grunt in pain, but he managed to sit up. As he looked around again he figured that he wasn't a prisoner, or else he'd be chained or bound in some way.

"Hello?" He called out quietly, nervous as to who might answer, "Anyone here?"

The was movement outside and Kade pushed open the tent flap and walked in. "Ah, you're awake Luke! I was beginning to wonder if you were going too." He said cheerfully with a grin, "Glad to see you are doing alright."

Luke nodded a bit, glancing around now. "How'd I get to camp?... I don't remember ever reaching here." Luke asked, confused.

"The crazy new blood brought you here and attacked us, we're glad no one was killed but a few were injured. The new blood is locked away in the holding cell and still hasn't woken up yet." Kade grins, "Your cell is working like a charm."

Luke shakes his head a moment, processing the words. "Wait.. You mean Kate? She lost it?"

Kade lost his smile as he looked at Luke now, concerned. "Maybe you hit your head a bit too hard..." It wasn't right for someone to refer to a vampire's gender, let alone by its name, or whatever it wished to be called.

Luke looked at Kade now, starting to understand. "No, you don't get it. She's not like the rest-"

"Yet it attacks us." Kade interrupts.

"- she has the capacity to be more than a lifeless killer. I've seen it." Luke continued as if he hadn't been interrupted.

"They all are lifeless killers. They are created to be lifeless and made to be killers! The new blood isn't any different!"

Luke shakes his head, wincing as he moves a bit to much. "I've seen her choose to attack a deer instead of me. She can control it, she just needs training. That's why I brought her here."

"Training a vampire! You're nuts! You bonked you're head one too many times! Luke, you said we were creating a holding cell for the new blood here until we knew what to do with it."

"Orginally, but plans change."

Kade sighed and shook his head. "This isn't going to work..."

"I'm optimistic."

"No, Bekah's here and she wants the new blood executed tomorrow-"

"Wait, Bekah?" Luke perked up, recognizing the name.

Kade nodded. "You're younger sister, the princess..."

Luke groaned. His little sister. Great. She's going to try and ruin everything he has so carefully planned. Bekah won't even care if it could end the war, as long as she gains more power. That's all she's after. Power. Bekah envied Luke. He was next in line for the throne as soon as his father resigned or died and Bekah was just another relative to the royal family. The only possible way for Bekah to rise to the throne was for Luke to die, or Bekah to sway everyone in her favor and get them to over throw Luke as king. But when would that happen? Everyone loved the kind and gracious Luke. She couldn't even kill Luke. If she was found guilty, she would never be allowed to rule the werewolves. So Bekah settled for destroying what she could of Luke's and grasping what power she could.

Kade nodded a bit. "She's been commanding us around since you were out of comission for a bit." Kade said warily, aware of the foul relationship between Luke and Bekah.

Luke looked at Kade now. "I'm in fine condition now, bring her in here." Luke said firmly.

Kade nodded and stood up, "Right away sir."

Luke sighed as Kade got up and left the tent. This was going to be more difficult than he had originally planned for. It was going to be hard enough convincing the men here to follow his plan, but with Bekah whispering in their ears? It was going to be nearly impossible. He needed to get Bekah to leave.

It wasn't too long when Bekah entered into Luke's tent. With dirty blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail and a piercing blue eyes, she was as opposite in appearance apearancds siblings could get. She also didn't dress very feminine like. Bekah would always were a shirt and pants, never a skirt and heaven forbid a dress. Today she was in a loose shirt and worn pants.

"You called?" Bekah asked with a mocking smile.

Luke nodded and sat up more. "Why are you here Bekah? We both know it's not because you're concerned if I'll live or not."

Bekah frowns, pretending to be offended, "How could you say that? I'd be devastated if my dear elder brother died... Oh well!" Bekah smirked, speaking sarcastically.

Luke sighed. "Just tell me. Why are you here?"

Bekah twirled a strand of her hair around her finger, trying to look innocent. "Oh, just having some fun you know."

Luke shook his head, looking over Bekah. "You knew I was planning something here, didn't you?"

Bekah shrugged, still trying to look innocnet.

The reaction made Luke realize she knew more than he was going to be here. "How much do you know?"

"I heard something about you trying to convince people a few vampire could save us, but how rediculous is that?" Bekah said, knowing that Luke planned to have the new blood help them.

Luke rubbed his head, sighing. "You need to leave Bekah... Please? I can make you a deal?" He looks up at Bekah.

"A deal?" Bekah's eyes widen a moment, her being caught off guard. "This must be important to you then... So no! And you're still not in good enough condition to give orders." She smirks, knowing she's right.

Luke shakes his head at Bekah. "Please Bekah, think about it..."

"Did that, been there, and I still say no!" She gets up and walks out of the tent.

Well that went well, Luke thought.


Kate shifted. Great, I was knocked out yet again. That was what? The third, fourth time? She thought as she started to wake, still keeping her eyes closed. The floor was hard and rough, she ran her hand across the surface and pulled her hand back as a sharp pain entered her palm. Kate opened her eyes and looked at her hand to see it was a wooden splinter.

"Never thought a splinter could hurt that badly..." She muttered and pulled the splinter out.

Kate sat up and took in her surroundings. She was in a place that was all wood; wooden floor, walls, cieling, and a wooden cell around her. Yay wood... She thought sarcastically. As she looked around she noticed the four giant crosses hanging on each wall outside the crisscrossing vertical and horizontal wooden beams. Even better.

Kate started to stand now and look around. Everything was clean cut wood and it was hard to determine where the door was, but with some closer obsevations, Kate was able to identify the outline of a door. At least she thought it was the door. It was a small line running through the wood in the shape of a door, but with no handle that Kate could see.

Kate sighed. "Second time in a jail within two days.. New record.." She stretched a bit as she looked around, unsure of what else to do. "I wonder where Luke ended up..." Kate glanced around again, hoping that Luke was alright. "He'll probably be fine." She said to herself.

Kate walked up to one of the crisscrossing bars of her cell and she tugged on it. The wood was well meshed and didn't budge as she tugged against it. She wouldn't be getting out that way anytime soon.

As Kate looked around the cell she finally sighed and admit defeat. There was no way for her to get out of here. Kate sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall, having nothing else to do but wait. And so she waited.

TurnedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora