chapter fifteen

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1 week later

The hospital room was dark and quiet and it wasn't calming for Yoongi, instead it was scary. The boy didn't know how many hours he has been awake yet but he just couldn't sleep. When he would try, he'd wake up from a nightmare anyway.

Yoongi sighed as a stray tear escaped the corner of his eyes once again, his mind was racing. He was wondering what would happen when he was released from the hospital, where should he go? His boyfriend doesn't care about him and his mom probably doesn't want him back. Otherwise she would have come to visit him in the past week, right?

The pale boy wondered where the gang was, the police didn't catch them yet and it made him anxious. He tried to calm his thoughts down and closed his eyes, he finally managed to fall asleep after some time.


Yoongi startled after he heard a loud noise, he opened his eyes but was met with darkness. Suddenly, he heard the sound of an engine starting and feeling the movements of a car driving. The boy's eyes widen and his breathe quickened, he wasn't in the hospital anymore. He was in the trunk of a car, it was a small cramped and hot space where he was laying in.

He realized that his hands were tied behind his back, and that's when he started to kick his feet and scream in panic. "Get me out of here! Please!" was one of the many things he was yelling, all the while fat tears were streaming down his pale face.

"Looks like sleeping beauty is awake" he heard a familiar voice say from in the backseat of the car.

After what felt like hours, the car came to an abrupt stop, making Yoongi knock into the wall of the trunk. He was quiet, trying to hear what they are doing. He could make out the sounds of the car doors opening and shutting, followed by footsteps in small peddles that were nearing his direction.

The boy heard the click of the trunk, signaling its open. Yoongi waited for the right moment and when they were about to open it, he kicked it with his feet and making it collide with someone's face.

"Owh! For fuck's sake!" one of them yelled, they all looked at him with angry or smirking faces. The boy saw that Taehyung was holding his nose while blood streamed out of it, he was the one Yoongi hit.

"Get out." Jeongguk voiced and grabbed the boy's collar of his shirt and pulled him out of the trunk. "What do you want?" Yoongi spat and looked at them with angry eyes.

"You know our names and faces, told everything to the police and now they're after us, you don't think we are gonna let that slide, right?" Namjoon spat back. The pale boy gulped as they dragged them in their new hiding place.


Hey! I finally wrote a new chapter after such a long time. I hope you all still wanna read this story though... I'm sorry for letting you all wait so long but last year was pretty busy since i had to graduate and now i have exams for my 1st semester in university so I didn't have time. I only have 1 exam left and that's why i decided to write again (:

killer bunny | YOONGI x BTS [rewriting]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें