chapter eight

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Yoongi felt nauseous, he threw up a few times again. His anxiety always made him feel that way but it's the first time he threw up multiple times. It was dark outside and all the guys had left, leaving Yoongi all alone. He had no single piece of clothing on other than a boxer and it was freezing cold in this room. He felt like he was going to pass out soon.

He had cried himself to sleep but he woke up a few minutes ago. The boy felt weak and vulnerable, his limbs felt numb and his body ached.

The pale boy stood up with wobbly legs, he wanted to escape but he didn't know how. His wrists were tightly tied, making it difficult for him to orientate himself in the dark room. There were no windows, no any source of light.

Yoongi started walking around but fell down when the chains around his ankles tightened, those chains were connected to the wall.

His cheekbone collided with the hard ground underneath him, he groaned in pain and crawled back to the place he woke up.

He pulled his knees to his chest and lay his head in between his knees. Tears started streaming down his soft cheeks, "why me?".

The boy started crying again, "why am I so fucking weak?!". He roughly wiped away his tears with his shoulder, afterwards he started pulling his wrists out of the ropes but it had no use. It only started hurting more but Yoongi could care less.

He felt the anger & frustration building up in his body, but continued pulling his wrists, making the ropes cut in his soft skin. Blood tripled down from his pale arms down to the floor. He was crying like a mad person, causing him not to hear the door opening.

The light went on in the room, making Yoongi shake his head. He didn't want to see them nor hear them. He kept on shaking his head, as if it would make them leave and never come back.

"Hey! Stop crying, you fool!" He heard Jeongguk yelling. "Leave me alone!" Yoongi yelled, still crying and shaking his head.

He heard someone's footsteps coming closer towards him in a fast way and before he knew it, his head was clashed hard against the wall. Yoongi screamed out in pain, the shaking of his head stopped but he was sobbing now. "You're not telling me what to do! Understand?!" Jeongguk yelled, his hand still holding Yoongi's hair. He was crouching down at Yoongi's level.

The pain in his head was unbearable, he opened his teary eyes to look at Jeongguk, who was wearing his stupid creepy bunny mask with fresh blood spatters on it. "Answer me!" He screamed and smacked Yoongi's head against the wall again, but this time harder.

The boy yelped from the pain and felt the blood gushing out. "I-I'm sorry." He sobbed out.

Jeongguk looked around the room, still holding Yoongi's hair with a tight grip. "Did you puke again?!" He shouted towards the young boy. The mad man stood up and kicked the other's stomach with his foot.

Yoongi moaned out in pain, he didn't even had the power to tell him to stop. Jeongguk kept on kicking the boy's stomach, until blood was streaming out of Yoongi's mouth. "Jeongguk, that's enough." Another voice said.

The pale boy was choking on his blood, his vision was blurry and he felt like he was dying. Jeongguk let go of his hair, making Yoongi fall onto the ground with a thud.

The almost-naked boy was trembling, bleeding and choking. "You're fucking weak." Jeongguk spitted.

All six guys were watching the suffering boy with no emotion. There was still some blood coming out of his mouth as he coughed and spit on the floor but some blood started to drip down from another source, his head.

Seokjin walked to him and crouched down, looking where the blood is coming from. It was from the side of his head, it was an open wound, probably from the slamming Jeongguk did.

"He is gonna die if this wound isn't going to get stitched up." he commented as he removed his own shirt and held it against the wound to stop the bleeding, Yoongi hissed a bit as he was starting to lose consciousness.

Jeongguk came closer and crouched down next to Seokjin to look at the boy's bleeding head. He removed his mask, "We need to call a doc-"

He was cut off by Yoongi spitting blood on his face.

"Shut the fuck up..." he swallowed some blood, "I-Isn't this what you wanted?!!" He yelled angrily in Jeongguk's face, some blood droplets landed on him. Yoongi bumped his head against Jeongguk's nose harshly, making the man stumble backwards and hold his nose.

Before he could do anything, Taehyung dragged him away from Yoongi.

Five of the six boys left the room with a loud bang while seokjin kept on pressing the cloth on the wound as the others went to the kitchen. They all looked at each other, "First of all it was your idea to keep him for profit and now he is on the verge of dying because of you. What do you actually want?!" Hoseok asked loudly.

"I don't know!" Jeonngguk yelled at him frustrated.

"You gotta know what you want man." Hoseok commented shaking his head and left the room.


[2021 EDIT] I deleted the mpreg part and made it slightly different x

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