chapter nineteen

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Yoongi kept on running, he didn't look back once after he had stabbed the guy. His feet hurt and he was out of breath but he couldn't stop, not now.

The guy had probably informed the others of his escape and he really didn't wanna think about what they would do if they caught him again. With his supposedly-dad's file tightly in hid hand, he ran faster with determination.
After some more minutes of rapid running, he saw the city nearing. The city where other people were, people that weren't looking for him. He could almost cry of relief but didn't halt yet, not when he wasn't there yet.

Where is he going to go? To the police? The ones that couldn't protect him when he was in the hospital? No fucking way. He had to go to a place where he could examine his dad's file without looking like a weirdo. In a Café? Nope, then he has to order a drink and he didn't have any money on him. He also has to have access to a computer to look things up.

Yoongi stopped when he reached the local library. He looked around him and didn't see anyone that was about to pounce him and kidnap him. With the file still in his now sweaty hands, he entered the big building.
There were some young people reading or studying or whatever they were doing in the library. He went to the librarian that was behind a desk, typing something into the computer. She looked up at him when she saw a person walking towards her.

He gave her a small smile and asked if he could use one of their computers. The woman looked at him as if he was a ghost, "wait a moment" She said thickly. Then, her hand gripped the horn of the telephone next to her computer and dialed a number. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows when the woman kept looking at him and then behind him.

"Euhm, hello. I have a missing person here." Her voice sounded shaky, she was nervous. Yoongi figured she had called the police, he was the missing person. Ofcourse he was; he got snatched from the hospital after already having been kidnapped. She was answering the policy's questions while biting her lip in stress, "y-yes I'm sure". The call ended after a few more seconds. "The police is coming, take a seat while you wait. Do you need anything to drink?" The woman asked.

Yoongi was grateful for the call but if the police couldn't protect him the first time, what would change now? But he nodded and sat down at one of the tables, "a cold water would be amazing". He opened the file when the woman was getting him some water. "Hongbin Min" He read with furrowed eyebrows, his mother had never mentioned him. If he was his dad ofcourse. His eyes traveled further to the bottom of the page, it was a picture from Hongbin. The man had a pale complexion and a button nose, just like him. He also had some moles on his face, Yoongi didn't have those.
But Yoongi was convinced this could be his dad, one hundred percent. "Well shit" He whispered and got started when the librarian placed a plastic cup of water next to the file on the table.

"Thank you" He said to her, took the cup in hand and brought it to his lips. He took a sip and felt the cold water run down his throat. He closed his eyes for a minute but opened them again when he heard sirens nearing.
A police car stopped in front of the library, two men came our of the car and into the library. They noticed him sitting and wrapped him in a blanket. He hadn't realized that he was cold, but as soon as the blanket hit him, he felt like melting.

They started asking him questions, and told him to describe the new man involved. After all the questions, he was tired. He just wanted to go in a bed and sleep. But he didn't have anywhere to go so one of the police officers offered he could stay at his house for safety reasons and for the child abandonment of his mom (she hadn't worried at all for the two kidnaps).

Yoongi couldn't refuse and went home to the officer's house. He said his wife and children were at school (she was a teacher he had told him). The man was also the head chief of Yoongi's case and was going to help him with his father's file.

The man told him he could use the guest room and that it wasn't made public that he stayed with him for safety reasons again.
"Give me the file and I do some research, you can go to sleep, I'll wake you when dinner is ready" He had said and Yoongi didn't need to be told twice to do so. He closed the door of the guestroom after he gave the file to the man. He turned around and looked at the cozy bedroom, his eyes landed on the bed and his feet brought him to the furniture immediately.

He climbed into the bed without removing his clothes and lied down. He sighed when he felt the soft feeling of the mattress and covers, it didn't take long for him to fall asleep. Hopefully he is safe here and won't have to face those creepy men ever again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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