The Chase Ends???

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I smiled, tour was great. Although I do not remember the other night, tour life was normal. "How you doin A?" CC asked. "Goodio what about you, C?" I asked, we laughed out loud. CC grabbed me and we spun around three times. "She is mine CC!" Ashley laughed, grabbing me. "I'm no ones!" I laugh, jumping down. "Would you please be mine?" Ashley asked, sticking out his lower lip. Everyone waited for me to answer...what can I say? "Umm, I'll answer after the concert." I stated. No one dared object, they nodded in agreement, and left the bus.

After the boys left to do the concert, Sammi came on. Just in time too, I needed her help. "So you and Ash?" She asked winking at me, I blushed "I don't know, that's what I need you for. I mean, should I say yes?" I asked, confused. "I think so, usually he gives up now, but he seems to really like you." "Really?" I asked, surpised that he would like me. "Yep, he even said 'he was in love with you'." Sammi informed me. "Then I guess I'll say yes." I decieded. "Well, let's go tell them, c'mon!" Sammi grinned, jumping up. I followed her out into the outside.

As we walked towards the concert, I began to feel nervous. What will Jake say? I don't know, but he ain't gonna like it either way. "You're nervous." Sammi stated, reading my emotion. "Yep, but I don't know why..." I trailed off, turning red like a tomato. "Jake." Sammi said answering my longing question that haunts me. "Well, he'll get over it." Sammi laughed, showing our passes to go backstage. "Hey guys, what's goin on?" Andy smiled, walking over to us. "To send a message to Ashley." I stated, smirking over at him. Ashley walked over to us, "sup bros?" He asked. "That's no way to talk to your girlfriend, Ashley. Show her more respect." Sammi frowned at him, back handing his neck. "What? Did you say yes? OMG YOU DID! I AM SOO FERKING HAPPY!" Ashley grinned, doing a back flip. I started laughing, maybe I won't get heart broken. Then Jake saw, his face grew grim. Someone's not happy.... "So the chase finally ends?" CC said, comming up behind me. "It does, and I won!" Ashley grinned. "Haha, maybe with Aria, but you lost with Jake. You might as well get a coffin." Andy added, walking to get his microphone checked. "Shit."

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