Out and In

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Sasuke POV

My sweet babyboy... all mine.

I'd finally claimed him for my own and I had no attention at all of letting him go nor letting anyone else have him. For the rest of our lives, we would be together...

Sure, I didn't mark him but trust me, I sure as hell was itching to. The way he was begging underneath me, taking my cock in his tight little hole and screaming my name...

Nobody else could ever have him. He's mine and only mine. 

My little sleeping beauty...

Right after I'd said what I needed to say to him, he went straight to sleep in my arms along with my dick still inside of him. I'd never seen a more beautiful sight in my life.... all last night, it was like I was going through a gallery of the most enchanting scenes. Cleaning my cum out of his ass almost made me want to fill it with even more.

Mid thought, I heard a tiny groan and a little whimper, my little Naruto turning over in my arms and clutching onto my chest tightly. Cute.

A knock at the door disturbed our peaceful moment, a growl lowly rumbling throughout my chest.

Slowly getting up as to not wake my little omega, I strode to the door and yanked it open, surprised at who I saw but only sneering afterwards.

"The fuck do you want? And how in the hell do you know this address?"

"Ooh~? Not going to let me in? How rude..."

"Listen, Orochimaru, I will not hesitate to rip your throat out right here. What do you want?" My voice raised and voice deepened as I was struggling to control my alpha. We sensed that our omega was in danger and didn't like it one bit.

"Now, now~. Don't be so harsh Sasuke. I just wanted to talk."

"About what" I was beginning to get fed up with him.

"I'm going to give you a choice, which is a great privilege, ok~? Either you come with me or-" he made a hand gesture and his little minion bitch, Kabuto, came from Naruto's room with Naruto still asleep in his arms but a kunai was pressed up against his throat, "your little omega dies~"

I growled as fear and anger pulsed everywhere in my body at once. Getting ready to lunge, my claws came out and just before I did, I heard a pained whimper.

Kabuto had pressed the kunai into Naruto's neck a bit, the sharp weapon causing little drops of blood to escape.

"I wouldn't try anything if I were you. Just come along and be a good boy or the omega dies."

His words made me even angrier as I growled and released thick, threatening pheromones.

"Release him. Now."

All of the attempting to keep my alpha back had vanished. My baby was in trouble and I refused to let anything happen to him.

I felt something wrap around my wrists as I was restrained from moving my hands and using my chakra.

"Let's go, shall we~?"

"Only if you release me and let me put him back in bed." I grumbled, knowing that I could just go with them, kill them, and come back to my omega.

"Hm... try anything weird and we'll kill the both of you."

A "I'd like to see you try" bubbled up on the tip of my tongue but I swallowed it back down as I was released from my binds.

I shook my arms out and rushed over to my baby, gently but quickly taking him out of Kabuto's hands and cradling him in my arms. He cuddled into my chest, nuzzling his forehead into it softly before going still.

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