Unwanted Help

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Naruto POV

Although the water was cold, I still stepped into the spray, bending over to try and clean myself out. I'd have to hurry to try and do everything because now, I needed to bathe, put my sheets on my bed, and somehow survive the wrath of Guy and Lee coming over after Gaara'd just scented me.

Tomorrow, I'd have to pack a few things and stay over at Shika's for about a day or two. I'm almost completely certain that the other alphas won't like the fact that I'm staying over at Shikamaru's place at all but I'd made a promise and I had to keep it.

My dilemma didn't stop there, either. I didn't have any idea when Sasuke was getting back so if he were to come back at quite literally any moment, he would see that I was disobeying his direct orders.

Keeping all of these alphas satisfied was beginning to seriously stress me out. I hated keeping secrets and lying to them but what else could I do? They were all possessive and wanted me exclusuvely to themselves but I don't have the heart nor the favoritism to choose just one of them to be mated to for life.

I couldn't possibly go all the way to the Hokage's office at this time of night. Not only may Guy and Lee already be headed towards me from that direction, but other alphas may pop up out of nowhere like they always do. Then I'd be in huge trouble.

That left me with only two options. Either I'd have to leave the village and become a rogue ninja, hopping from village to village to avoid people who may know me, or I could go to Sakura, the only other healer in the village who could take the scenting off of me. If I were to go to her, though, she'd rat me out to Sasuke.

Sakura and Sasuke were childhood friends before they found out their secondary genders. With them both being alphas, their dominance and pheromones overlapping and challenging each other constantly was starting to make their relationship crumble so they grew apart. They were still close and still talk to each other often but they don't stay around each other for long periods of time. Even still though, every time I would step out of line and Sakura was there, she'd always snitch to Sasuke about it and I'd always get scolded.

Yep. I'm leaving the village.


The door opened as a tall, sleepy, pink haired female yawned and looked down at me lazily.

"This better be important, Naruto, because I have work in the morning and-"

She suddenly paused and tilted her nose upwards; squints, faces me, and gasps. Her pupils dilate and a huge smirk runs across her face.

"Oh you're in big trouble. Come in and I'll get it off of you but you know good and well what comes next." she says smugly.


The rest of the time spent at Sakura's was uneventful besides her practically bragging to me about how I'm going to get my ass handed to me when Sasuke gets back. Even so, she was gentle when healing me and removing the scent. Her farewell gave me quite a fright though and I didn't know whether she was kidding or not.

She told me that another scent removal could hurt me and ruin my pheromones.

That was scary considering I had two pissed alphas probably roaming the village looking for me right now. And then I had to go to Shika's tomorrow and-

My thoughts were abruptly cut off when I heard a deep, intimidating laugh echo throughout the empty street. I was almost home and was treading carefully because I figured the two would probably be out. I'd nearly made it, but I was stopped, frightened by the menacing chuckle I'd just heard.

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