Chapter 15~ Spiraling Further Into Change.

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   Here y'all go. Enjoy it. I don't have anything else to say, but Robin laid an egg, and Batman SMELLS, so jingle all the way! COMMENT/VOTE PLEASE.


  Twitter- its_danielle_K

  Instagram- its_danielle_aye

  Other Fanfictions: The Sky's The Limit- Liam Payne


Chapter 15

(Stormie's P.O.V.)


Melody. Her name slipped out of my mouth instantly. This surprised me. I knew I had finally moved on, but I didn't realize how just saying her name helped me eons. That weight that had been resting on my chest for the longest time, just- simply lifted off. I- I could be myself again. I could leave that bit of resentment behind.

But it wasn't just me who helped lift the weight off. It was Harry. If he hadn't asked me that, if I hadn't met him through Louis, if I hadn't gotten lost, he (Harry) wouldn't have asked me it. He wouldn't have lifted the last bit off of my chest and shoulders.

I felt free.


(Two Days Ago, After The Question)

He quirked his eyebrow the minute I let loose her name. My dead older sister's name. Melody. Without realizing it, he lifted the weight off of my shoulder and chest. I was now free. Truly free. And I was so ever grateful. I grinned.

"Are you sure I didn't give you happy pills?" He joked, at my new sudden bliss. I snorted, and shook my head.

"You just helped me," I replied lightly. Confusion spread across his face.

"How?" He spluttered out, looking adorable from the confusion across his face.

"For about eight, nine months I was in this depression. My sister's death took it's toll on me, and that was the price I had to pay." I pulled up the sleeves of my shirt to reveal my scars from cutting, "I was deep in my depression. It was like a sickness. I completely changed from the girl I was pre- accident. I was moody, miserable, and I had a dark aspect on life. I started cutting myself. Then a month ago, my friend Eden found a envelope enclosed with a letter from my sister and tickets for your concert. Then my accident three weeks ago. My time in my coma made me remember a promise I made my sister years and years ago. And I broke it, and I started beating myself over it. But decided that it wouldn't solve anything. That's when I realized, it was time to move on. That's how I woke up. But there was a weight that was still holding me down. Until now, when you asked me what my sister's name was. Saying her name lifted it up. If you didn't ask me that, I would still be holding back. Thank you" I explained to him, a happiness in my chest forming.

For a moment, Harry was just sitting there, frozen in shock. Then tears welled up in his eyes, as he took my arm, and started running his fingers over my scars lightly. His tears dripped down his beautiful face, and down onto my arm. Then he looked back up at me. He leaned in, his eyelashes wet, his green eyes shining. His lips were just inches away from mine, his warm, sweet breath fanning my face.

"I had no clue. I-I don't know what to say," He murmured, his eyes fixated on my lips.

"There is nothing you need to say, Harry." I replied back, lightly pecking his cheek. He blushed shyly, a new side I hadn't seen before."So what do you have planned for me today, Dr. Styles?" I asked teasingly.

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