Chapter 1 - New

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Heartrate was elevated and her chest tightened by the dinging sound of the elevator once she reached the floor and the doors slid open. Olivia didn't move until the doors started to slide towards each other again, and almost getting squished, she stumbled into the room, noticing eyes having turned to glance at the intrudor. 

'Great', Olivia thought, face a deep crimson while she smoothed her shirt and inhaled sharply. She usually had been quite confident but knowing who her new boss would be, well that had thrown her off - especially when she had been told only less than five minutes ago via the phone. Stepping into the bullpen, she glanced around taking in the venue. She knew that people had their eyes follow her but she tried to ignore their stares.

"What do we got?" a male voice boomed from behind her, making her jump though she had prevented the shriek that was caught in her throat to emit from her lips by biting hard onto her tongue.

What unfolded in front of her eyes after the male had barked out the question surely had Olivia blink a couple of times. Three of the people who had actually been staring at her, changed in gear and were now filling him in on whatever it was that he wanted to know. It all went so fast that when the three of them had talked and the silverhaired male had averted his eyes from each of them to only now stare at her, silence filled the room painfully.

His icyblue stare made her swallow hard and she seriously felt as if she was being scolded by the principle at her high school. 

Still silence.

Olivia really didn't know what he wanted from her. And it didn't help that his brows now moved into a deep and annoyed frown. With an annoyed sigh that followed, the male stepped away from her and moved to sit down at his desk. 

This wasn't the start that Olivia had wished for, and she was completely taken aback and feeling like a complete moron.

"That could probably have gone better," the dark haired woman whispered to the two other males, which Olivia caught, making her draw in a deep breath and straighten herself up. And just as she was going to speak up and explain herself someone beat her to it.

"Team, come meet your new agent," Director Shepard spoke from the stairs while she was walking down. That was the first time Olivia felt somewhat welcome and as she was going to smile, it faltered when she heard the silverhaired male speak again.

"My team is already complete."

Raising a brow, Director Shepard gave him a look. "Yes, now your team is. Miss Gray is an asset to the team and will contribute with her skills to make work get done faster."

"She lacks the skill of speaking for herself," he pointed out annoyed and rummaged on his desk.

"Gibbs," the director warned, her demeanor having changed when she crossed her arms above her chest and glared at him. They both certainly knew how to use that eye thing, Olivia thought to herself when observing in silence. "Is there going to be a problem now?"

"Nope. No problem," Agent Gibbs swallowed annoyed and looked up.

"Good. Now get back to work," Director Shepard ordered and pointed at Olivia and then towards a desk next to Gibbs'. "Welcome to the team, Olivia." With a smile, she then headed back up the stairs and vanished into her office, leaving her new agent behind with a nervousness that had her feel sick to her stomach.

||A/N: I hope you guys liked the short starter of this new book. I've had this idea/story roaming my head for several weeks now, and I just finally got to sit down and type it up. Granted, it's a vague start and there should probably have happened more but well, it's a start! I do hope, however, that you guys will continue to read the chapters as they unfold whenever I get to write and publish more. I promise, this story will become intense and yet funny - just like the show. 

Thanks for reading!

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