Chapter 16 - Date Night

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Olivia hung up the phone and smiled, which DiNozzo noticed.

"Date night?"


"Oh, don't give me that look," he grinned, shuffling to his feet.

Olivia tried to play it cool. Even if she should have allowed it some months ago, she hadn't been ready for it. However, seeing that Gibbs and Mann were still an item, she had to try and get over him. Their talk had done them both good, and despite them missing each other they continued life and tried to move on. And now, Olivia had finally agreed to go out with one of Tony's friends. Not that she ever truly thought that would be a good idea since DiNozzo was such a curious and at times inappropriate man but his friend seemed sweet and kind plus he wasn't that bad looking either.

He continued to give her the look, making her cringe and sigh, "Okay, okay. Fine but don't get your knickers in a twist, Tony! It's only one date."

"Ha! I knew it!"

"Knew what?" Gibbs questioned as he rounded the bullpen and headed to his desk.

DiNozzo bit his lip and Olivia turned a deep crimson.

Gibbs looked up and frowned, not liking what he saw. "Did I miss something between you two?"

Olivia blinked taken aback. "What? No! Absolutely not!"

"You wound me, Olivia," Tony pressed his hand to his chest before he turned to Gibbs. "She is going on a date, boss," DiNozzo caved, earning a death glare from Olivia. He indicated that he was sorry without saying anything and headed back to his desk quickly.

Olivia averted her eyes to meet Gibbs'. She could detect the hurt and his jaw was clenched tightly.

He wanted to ask her who it was but their silent communication told him enough and frankly he couldn't bear to know if it was one he knew. With a single nod, he proceeded to grab his gun and badge.

"Let's go. Dead Marine downtown," he then barked out. "McGee and David are at the crime scene already."

Both agents did as they were told and hurried after Gibbs into the elevator. Olivia was just relieved that this case didn't involve Col. Mann. She had learned to accept that Gibbs was with her but whenever a case came where they had to work with her and her unit then it was almost unbearable for Olivia. Especially since Col. Mann always had to stand so close to Gibbs as if she needed to show that she was with him.

"You comin'?" Gibbs questioned when he noticed that Olivia didn't get out of the elevator.

"Oh, uh, yes," she quickly exited and headed to the car with them.

~ ~ ~

The lead had given them some information but it was evening by now and everyone was at home. Gibbs was in his basement, working on his boat. He felt irritated and he knew why but it wasn't fair towards Olivia nor Hollis. Olivia actually tried to move on, and well Hollis...

Sighing, Gibbs leaned against the boat with his right arm, head resting against his hand. This was all such a mess.

"Any new lead?"

His head snapped up as he watched Hollis descend the stairs with a plastic bag that gave off quite a nice smell.

"Sort of," he replied, wiping his fingers in his jeans as he moved to her. She had pulled out the takeout food and placed it on the workbench, handing him a fork and a knife.


She watched him silently as they started to eat. Something seemed off about him but she couldn't pin point what it was.

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