Chapter 12 - Under Covers

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Gibbs and Olivia hadn't had a moment alone since the undercover act had started. It had been ongoing for approximately a week and neither of them truly liked this. It was rough on Gibbs to watch DiNozzo kiss her, however, it was just as hard for Olivia to play it as truthfully as possible.

"Come on, people. If you are newlyweds then you can't keep your hands off of each other. You have got to do better than this," Shepard claimed with a hint of annoyance when watching them at the restaurant.

Gibbs gritted his teeth when Tony rubbed Olivia's thigh and leaned in, kissing her neck. She pretended to enjoy it by humming delighted in reply.

The evening felt like pure torture for the Special Agent as he watched the happy couple make out between dinner and dessert.

"Can I get you our menu for dessert? We have one of the finest Tiramisu, and it's very popular among our guests," the waiter offered, having waited quite some time now to get a word in.

Tony retracted gradually from Olivia, wiping his lower lip with his thumb and looking up at the waiter. "Oh, let me see."

He was already reaching out for the menu card but Olivia laced her fingers with his and cooed softly, "I have a special dessert planned for my husband once we get to our room." DiNozzo swallowed hard and the goofiest grin spread on his lips.

Gibbs pulled off his headphone and threw it onto the chair in MTAC. "I need a break." With that statement he rushed out and ignored anyone who was trying to get his attention. He needed air.

Shepard looked puzzled at McGee for a second.

"What was that?"

Timothy shrugged, his gaze flickering to the exit door once.

Shepard squinted her eyes before pulling off her headphones too. "Keep checking the people in that restaurant. And best do it before our couple leaves."

"Yes, Director Shepard."

She left MTAC and went to look for Gibbs. For a while now had his tense attitude caught her attention, however him acting like this was weird even to her. Why?

Sitting on a bench, coffee in hand that was raised to his lips, Jethro took a long swig from the warm brown liquid. His eyes closed as he tried to suppress these chaotic and unknown jealous feelings. Well they weren't entirely unknown but it had been ages since he last had felt this kind of jealousy, and it bugged him to no end.

"You wanna explain to me what that was earlier in MTAC?" Jennifer voiced as she took a seat next to him, making him groan in response.


"You know that doesn't work on me, Jethro," she urged, looking at him intendly.

Sighing, Gibbs leaned back against the bench, "Nothing happened, Jen. I'm just annoyed that we don't get any further in this case." He knew it was a lie but he hoped it would make sense to her even though his gut told him that she knew him better than he would give her credit for.

Raising a brow, Shepard studied him quietly, "I know but we have to be patient. Soon enough we will get another lead." Something was different about him but she couldn't pin point it exactly.

He looked her way and nodded.

Her phone rang, interrupting their little meeting. "I've got to take this," she apologized and snapped her phone open. "Shepard."

Gibbs didn't listen to her nor did he even look her way when she got up and signaled a goodbye with a wave of her hand. The words from Olivia earlier was still sitting with him, and not in a good way. That goofish smirk on DiNozzo's face had Gibbs crush the empty coffee jug within his hands.

Four-leaved cloverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora