Chapter 8 - Playing with fire

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"I need answers, Abbs," Gibbs urged while he rushed into the garage where Abby and McGee were checking out Agent Gray's car. His mood hadn't changed one bit ever since the day she went missing.

"We found traces of blood on the steering wheel, dashboard and on the floor near the edge of the car door," Abby reported, concern was heavy in her voice as her eyes caught his.

Gibbs' gut was making it almost hard for him to breathe. "Do you know if it's hers?"

Abby shook her head silently, "Not yet."

"We found fingerprints and her cell phone," McGee added, climbing out from her vehicle.

Gibbs exhaled deeply, his eyes roaming her car until he averted his gaze to Abby. "Call me as soon as you have the results."

Once in the elevator, Gibbs pulled out his phone and punched the green call button the second he had found the number.

"I need your help."


Her body was thrusted onto a chair, her arms tightly bound behind her back and she had been blindfolded this time. At least the water torture method had stopped, albeit she didn't know for how long.

She felt nervous due to the silence. Normally voices would yell at her alongside fists that would punch her all over her body but it was dead silence in the room. Only her breathing was heard, which slowly turned uneven due to adrenaline and fear.

Her senses were on fully alert, and she really hated that they had blindfolded her.

Without a warning, Olivia felt a hand on her thigh that began sliding upwards, making her shift in her seat uncomfortably.

"Hands off!" she protested but was held in place by a set of strong hands on her shoulders. The hand on her thigh kept sliding further up. And despite her feeble attempt on trying to writhe in the seat, the hand got dangerously close to her private parts. Right now, Olivia was grateful that she choose to wear jeans that morning instead of just a skirt.

"Just give us what we want, doll," the voice almost moaned against her neck. "You may be quite feisty but I'll break you..." his hot breath hit her jawline, " every way possible."

A shiver went down her spine and she swallowed hard, feeling tears press on once she felt his hand cup her firmly. Her body protested and she tried to kick him without any luck.

"Who are you and who are you working for?" His hand moved against her, making her gasp in fear despite her trying to continue playing tough. Her breathing was rough, her chest rising and falling rapidly with each second that passed.


"I don't care, Tobias. The mafia has her!" Gibbs interjected, having Fornell frown at his friend.

"Going against your own boss is one thing, Gibbs but we will be going against all the big guys here, you know? I'm sure Jenny has a plan in motion on helping your lost Agent."

Gibbs shook his head. "I don't believe this. Since when do you follow orders like a damn dog!?"

"I get it, Gibbs. I get it that she is a part of your team but this is how the game sometimes turn out, and for once we can't do squad about it!"

Gibbs punched the inside of the elevator furious. "What a load of crap! I just want you to get some ears out, have your men listen on the street about any kind of stir or newest problem for the Santi Family. Can't you do that?" His blue hues looked pleading at his friend. "Look," he ran his hand across his face, "We found her blood in her car. That doesn't predict anything good. If she isn't sleeping with the fishes yet, time is of the essence, Tobias."

Fornell watched him closely then something dawned on the FBI agent. "I really hate it when you break your own rules," he sighed, shaking his head. "And I haven't even had the chance of meeting her properly."

Relieved, Gibbs replied with one of his boyish grins, however, it didn't reach his eyes like it usually would. The worry for Olivia was too strong.

"Thanks Tobias. I owe you."


More days passed and Olivia was feeling weaker. The lack of proper sleep, food and even water now was taking its toll on her physically and mentally. Her clothes were disheveled while she once again hung from the ceiling, only the tip of her toes could reach the cold concrete floor. Her whole body ached and it throbbed in several places. Her upper lip was swollen and had a cut which she had got by the last beating when she fought back, having banged her head hard into the guy as he tried to rip off her pants. He didn't succeed but she was also in for a major beating after that stunt.

Her eyes closed and she tried to rest even if it was near to impossible. Her mind got flooded with wishful thoughts as she drifted off.

His lips pressed tenderly against hers once then twice before he pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. "I miss you, Olivia." Gibbs' voice echoed.

A small gasp erupted from her while her eyes flew open, his voice still a faint echo in her mind. It was quite a dream but that was what it was - a dream. A dream she honestly wished for but knew wouldn't come true. There were rules - his rules, and not to mention her state of situation.

It felt quite vividly, perhaps she was slowly seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and she was dreaming or hallucinating things? Grunting mixed with a chuckle at her own stupidity, Olivia let her eyes fall shut again, hoping she could have more of such pleasant dreams.

"Something funny, darling?"

Her body tensed the second she heard him. She kind of waited more torture but instead the rope was cut and she fell to the floor with a painful grumble as she curled up. Maybe they were going to kill her now? Was it the end for her?

Not a moment later and all hell broke loose as kicks and punches were raining down on her weak body. She cried out, yelled and screamed when she tried to fight back with no avail. In the end she was kicked so hard in the face that she was knocked out. Only her mind registered that her limp body was being moved.

~ ~ ~

"Gibbs," his groggy voice answered the call while his free hand rubbed his tired face. It was almost noon, and he hated that they had reached a dead end. The chances of finding Agent Gray decreased with each hour that passed now.


He jolted up to his feet, eyes wide in disbelief. "Olivia?"

DiNozzo, Ziva and McGee got to their feet right the second they heard him say her name. Tony and Ziva already moved to reach their gear while they watched their boss closely. McGee started typing like a maniac on his computer, trying to trace her call.

"Where are you!? Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

Her breathing was hard yet filled with relief when hearing his voice. "I'll live," she coughed and moved but hissed from the pain that shot through her body.

Gibbs felt his heart sink and the expression on his face was not something the team got to see often. "How did you get out?"

"I didn't," her weak voice answered.

Gibbs was on full alert by that and furrowed his brows. He waited for them to speak but as he continued to only hear her weak but painful breathing, he figured they had let her go. Now he only had to figure out why but first he needed to get her back. "McGee have you found her yet?!"

"Just one more second, boss."

Once McGee found the place, he pulled it up on the big screen for his team to see.

"Hang in tight, Agent Gray. We're on our way for you!" Gibbs assured while signaling for his team to follow.

~ ~ ~

They reached the abandoned gas station in no time. Everyone was wary as they got out of their cars, their guns were pulled and aiming at the building. 

Gibbs just hoped that this wasn't a trap.

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