Chapter 2 - Difficult case

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They had been working on the case for over three weeks, and even if Olivia tried her best to keep up with the demands of Gibbs, she just never seemed to do it well enough. DiNozzo had told her several times that Gibbs was like that with rookies but Olivia couldn't help but feel disappointed. She had met him before afterall, and not really under great circumstances. In fact it had been quite embarrassing for her, but he seemed to have forgotten about her. Then again, it was years back.

"What have you got?" Gibbs' voice had Olivia snap her head up and blink once, cheeks turning light red as his icy blue hues stared at her, a frown crossing his forehead while he waited for her answer.

"Oh uh, well the friend was a dead end. His alibi was correct, so he is off the hook," she answered, handing him the file with the newest information which elicited an annoyed groan from him.

Ziva and DiNozzo returned just then and had in fact found new evidences from the crime scene. Gibbs listened intendly and while they both kept on informing the team, McGee typed like a maniac on his computer while finding other suspects that could now be of interest.

"Gear up," Gibbs then barked out and they all headed for the elevator. "DiNozzo, Ziva and McGee you guys check out Carole Hunter," he then turned to look at Olivia, "You and I are going to the coffee shop to have a chat with Justin." Olivia nodded briefly and looked ahead while the doors to the elevator closed.

She really hated driving with Gibbs. That man could not drive! Or well, maybe he could but she always felt sick after a drive with him. He went way too fast and he swerved the car around like it was a bumper car. She needed to get those driving pills that would prevent her from getting car sick.

Olivia watched as her collegues went into the other car while she opened the door on the passanger seat. Gibbs started the car and only waited for her to get in. Once inside, she hardly had put on the seatbelt before the car shot down the road, making the female swallow hard.

"How is John?"

Olivia rose a brow surprised but forced her eyes to stay on the road. If she turned her head she would get sick even faster.

"Uh, I didn't think you'd remember him," she answered, still completely dumbfounded.

"How could I forget my buddy John from the good old days?" Gibbs smirked and sped up after he had surpassed a car.

Olivia tightened her grip on her seatbelt, "He, well," she inhaled slowly and looked at the trees that rushed by. "He died two years ago."

Gibbs felt his heart sink and automatically his fingers tightened their grip on the steering wheel. "I'm sorry to hear that," he stated in a low voice, memories slowly flooding his mind while he swiftly moved the car through the traffic.

"Cancer got to him," Olivia replied sadly. "I'm surprised that you didn't hear about it though," she added. "You guys were good friends back then." Finally she turned to look at him after he had parked the car. "I didn't think you'd recognize me since it's been three weeks since I started here and not once did you talk to me like this," she began but before she could even get the sentence finished, Gibbs was out the car and had rounded it.

Exhaling somewhat disappointed, Olivia followed and was just about to shut the door when he leaned close to her. "Well, you dyed your hair." And with that he moved towards the building while a small smirk graced his features, and Olivia stood flabbergasted by the car.

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