Chapter 5 - Gut feeling

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"You can't be serious," Tony whined as they got off the elevator.

"Sure I can. The Godfather is my absolute favourite. Why is that such a big deal?" Olivia replied while rounding the corner to the bull pen.

"Don't get me wrong, Gray, it's a classic," Tony began while putting down his bag next to his desk, "..and a good one but...really? Marlon Brando and Pacino?"

Olivia rose a brow but chuckled, "Yes, Tony. I will never change my opinion on that movie. I love it and I can watch them over and over again."

"You really surprise me. Never thought a chick would dig a mafia movie," he uttered under his breath. "You do know it's quite violent and filled with bloody scenes and so on?" he continued and soon tried making an impression of Marlon Brando's most iconic scene. Though he was rewarded with a slap on the back of his head by Gibbs when he passed him in a hurry.

"She does, now move on."

Olivia and Ziva bit their lips, preventing their chuckles to be heard while Gibbs barked out orders on the newest case they had gotten.

"McGee and Gray, go to Norfolk and check the area. Ziva, DiNozzo, you are with me," he added before he stormed off towards the elevator, his team right behind him.


At the crime scene, Olivia and McGee were taking more pictures and observing the surroundings when her phone went off. She checked the ID and drew in a breath, "I gotta take this," she told McGee before she walked back to the car, answering her phone.

"Gray," Olivia answered.

"We have a new lead," Sheppard voiced on the other end of the line. "I need you to check it out right away. This might be our only chance for now. Last time it took almost two months before we got a new clue."

"But I'm at the crime scene. I can't leave McGee," Olivia disapproved. She really didn't feel like going at the moment. They were in the middle of an investigation of this new case, and McGee would definitely think that something was up.

"It's an order, agent Gray," Sheppard urged, "I'll send you the address. There's been wind about Marine Brown meeting with the son. If they are together, you better get some good shots at them. They can be of great use."

With a heavy sigh, Olivia straightened up, "Alright. I'll go."

"I'm counting on you, Gray."

Olivia heard the beeping tone as the Director had cut off the call, leaving her behind with a bad feeling. Mostly due to having to lie yet again. She snapped her phone closed and walked back to McGee.

"Change of plans. I gotta head back but you will be just fine here, right?"

With a puzzled look, McGee looked around before his eyes averted back to her. "Yeah no problem. I need some more photos and then check out the trail behind the house."

"Good. I'll have Ziva or DiNozzo pick you up later, alright?"

McGee nodded while he watched agent Gray get behind the wheel and starting the car. She didn't look at him as she drove off. Instead she grabbed her phone and called Ziva.


"You gotta do me a favor. I needed to go and leave McGee behind. Can you pick him up?"

"You left McGee? Are you okay?" Ziva's voice got filled with concern now.

"I'm fine. I just need to take care of something personal. He just didn't need to know. I'll be back soon, I promise. I just need to do this, Ziva. Will you do this for me?" Olivia pleaded.

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