Chapter 13 - Restricted Access

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Olivia really didn't want to get back to the hotelroom nor did she want to lie in bed with Tony but her job forced her to suppress everything that happened just a few minutes ago. She was sitting in her car, wiping away the tears that kept sliding down her cheeks. It was over before it had even begun between them. She should actually be happy that it didn't get any further with them since he had quite the track record of broken relationships. Alright, she knew that was uncalled for but man was she hurt. Never in her right mind had she thought of Gibbs as being this unprofessional. She had even risked the case to check up on him, to make sure for him that she wasn't feeling anything for DiNozzo despite Ziva being right about one thing - DiNozzo was a damn good kisser.

Gritting her teeth, she wiped away the last tears and sniffed. "Maybe it is for the best," she muttered with a sad sigh, her gaze looking at his house before she drove off.

Gibbs was still frozen to the spot. He couldn't believe he had lost it like that. What was it about her that could make him forget all professionality and act like a moron? Rubbing his face tired, Gibbs finally moved over to his boat where he picked up the tool from earlier and then started to work more on the wooden surface. There was a greater feeling than his stupid jealousy that clutched his chest deeply - the feeling of having lost Olivia for good.

~ ~ ~

"Where the hell were you?" DiNozzo whispered concerned and angry as Olivia snuck back under the covers.

"I, uh," she pulled the sheet up to her chest and closed her eyes for a second.

Tony turned onto his side, and even if Olivia quickly turned off the lamp on the nightstand, she could feel his eyes on her.

"Are you ok?" he whispered low.


Frowning concerned, Tony shuffled to sit up against the headboard. "Is he mad?"


"You know who I mean, Olivia."

"Agent Gray," she corrected him and he could feel how she changed.

"I take that as a yes," Tony exhaled deeply, waiting for her to talk.

"There is nothing to tell, Agent DiNozzo, we are all professionals, remember?"

Tony looked surprised into the dark bedroom. She felt warm close to him and yet something was different about her.

"Is it over between you two?"

"There wasn't anything in the first place," Olivia lied and bit her lip, feeling the tears press on.

Tony wanted to put his arm around her, comfort her but she felt his shift and quickly turned onto her side but ended up gasping from the pain that seared through her.

"What is it? Are you hurt?" Tony clicked the light on and was in an instant by her side. "What happened between you and Gibbs?"

Olivia shook her head but pressed her hands tightly against her lower abdomen again.

"Nothing happened, DiNozzo. We got into a stupid fight and I drove back here. The pain will subside like it has for the last couple of days."

"Wait what? You've been feeling pain for days now?"

"It's no biggie, really."

"Olivia, never underestimate pain. It might be your appendix! That can be fatal, you know that!"

Olivia suppressed a painful groan but Tony noticed the sweat on her forehead.

"You will see Ducky tomorrow, got it? We can always lie that you need to be checked for pregnancy or anything else stupid but you will get checked. Are we clear?"

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