Chapter 23 - You've got a friend in me

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Gibbs was waiting impatiently at the base of the staircase, his gaze every so often flickering upwards but still no sign of her. Why did it take so long for women to get ready? He checked his watch again and sighed. "Liv? We need to go or Abby will not only hurt us but most definitely torture and kill u-," Jethro called up the stairs but his words got stuck in his throat when seeing her standing there in the gorgeous red dress. It complimented all of her but especially her eyes.

"Wow," he mouthed, not being able to actually find his voice for a second - not until he cleared his throat. "You..." his eyes watched her every step down the stairs until he held out his hand to her which she softly accepted when descending, "..look absolutely stunning," he finally stated, stepping closer to her, his free hand wound around her petite waist.

Olivia blushed slightly but her smile grew by his compliment. "You look not too bad yourself, L.J." she replied, leaning up to kiss him softly. It wasn't his stunned face that got to her, no, it was the smile that had grown with each step that she had taken. His eyes simply sparkled by now, and she had never seen him this happy before.

Mind you, he did look amazing in his tuxedo, making him even more handsome if that was even possible. Though that smile - that surely swept her off of her feet. In that moment she didn't struggle to be genuinely happy.

The evening was just what everyone had needed. They laughed, danced, drank and just enjoyed the Christmas Ball. Everyone seemed for just these couple of hours completely carefree. And that had Abby almost explode with happiness.

"So," Olivia began, looking up at DiNozzo when they were dancing a slow dance, "Where is she?"

"Where is who?"

She gave him a look.

Tony tried to play it cool and swirled Olivia gently before drawing her back to him, his hand wounding around her waist as they moved softly to the music. His silence started to annoy Olivia.

"I really had hoped to meet her tonight, Tony."

"There is no she, Liv," Tony lied, his body tensing.



"Oh you so are," she grumbled, glaring up at him, which had him feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"I thought we were friends," Olivia pouted.

Tony sighed, squeezing her hand softly while giving her a small smile, pulling her close to him, "Best friends, Liv."

"At least give me a name?"

"Stubborn woman," DiNozzo laughed.

Olivia didn't back down. She had given him space and not interrogated him whenever they talked in private but now she was honestly disappointed that he hadn't brought her with him to this Ball. Of course, she understood why, and she secretly admired him for truly being able to separate his work and personal life, though as his best friend it bugged her to no end that she was kept out of the loop, too.

"Fine, fine, but promise me that it's our secret, deal?"

Olivia nodded eagerly, a big smile flashing her lips as excitement sparkled in her eyes. Tony couldn't help but laugh again. "You're like a child on Christmas Eve. My God.. I didn't think it was that big of a deal."

"But it is! The great Tony DiNozzo finally found love. How can that not be the biggest deal of all time?!"

"Who said I found love? I'm not in love, Liv. I like her but that's all," Tony defended himself.

That earned him a certain look from Olivia, "Right, and you also believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny. Everyone can see that you are in love."


"Oh don't give me that. It's so obvious," Olivia stated but then silenced when seeing his facial expression. "Oh my god. You don't know that you're in love with her?" She looked stunned at him but then her brows furrowed in a concerned frown, "Or is it because you don't want to?"

"Liv, come on," DiNozzo pleaded, his jaw clenching by now. "I didn't know that I had fallen for Jeanne."

Olivia's eyes widened when he finally revealed her name but it wasn't her name that had her look surprised. It was the fact that he confessed that he had fallen in love.

They had stopped dancing by now and Olivia couldn't tear her eyes away from him, not even when he let go of her and walked away. He needed air.

Olivia just stood there, letting his words sink in.

A pair of hands brushed down her arms and settled on her hips, making her look up to meet the blue hues that watched her cautiously.

"Is he alright?" Gibbs asked, pulling Olivia close to him as they started to sway to the tunes of 'Have yourself a Merry little Christmas'.

Sighing, Olivia rested her head against his shoulder, "I don't know, L.J. I really don't know."

That answer didn't sit well with Gibbs but he would give Tony some space - for now.

They kept on dancing, Gibbs and Olivia, savoring this sweet time, however, she couldn't stop thinking about Tony. And since he hadn't returned from his little break, she started to grow worried.

Once the dance came to an end, Olivia gave Gibbs a soft squeeze and looked up at him. Their silence communication having him nod once before watching her leave his side as she went looking for Tony.

Olivia found him in the hallway but she kept her distance for a moment, watching him from afar. She noticed his sad and tormented look on his face.

"You're missing out on all the fun," she finally spoke up and made herself noticed when walking over to him.

He cleared his throat and straightened up, trying to act as normal as possible.

"What's wrong?"


"Wanna try that again?"

He rubbed his hand over his face, almost tiredly, and sighed, "I don't know how to face her now. I mean, I want to see her so badly but I was not suppose to fall in love with her. I was not suppose to."

Olivia stepped closer to him and gently stroked his arm, "Says who?"

He looked down at her, despair so evident in his eyes that it made Olivia's heart ache.

"There are no rules when it comes to love, Tony. Maybe just try and go with this? See where it leads you? Maybe she is the one and you will actually experience true love and what it all brings?"

Tony didn't reply but pulled her into a hug.

They stood like that for a while, no words were exchanged but it felt good for Tony, and that was all that mattered to her.

"Thanks, Liv." Tony smiled lightly when pulling back. "Let's go back."


They returned to the ball and had a few dances.

"Now it definitely is my turn," Gibbs bugged in, making Tony hold up his hands and smirk at Olivia.

"Someone is jealous," Tony grinned but by the stern look from Gibbs, he quickly shut it and backed away.

Olivia chuckled, snuggling close to him as they started to dance. "You're cute when you get jealous," she teased.

Jethro leaned closer to her ear, "I don't do jealous, honey."

His hot breath sent a shiver down her spine, which had her tense in his arms. He noticed the change in her look and drew in a breath. "You're absolutely gorgeous," he whispered, kissing her neck softly while they danced closely.

"Let's get home," Olivia hummed, knowing that they wouldn't be sleeping for the next couple of hours.

He didn't need to hear that twice. Soon enough they were out the door and headed home.

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