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Dear journal,

I don't even think words can describe how I'm feeling right now. I just want someone in my life who isn't going to make me feel like absolute shit. Sadly, the only person that's is fulfilling that request is Phil.

I'm not even going to bother going into detail with this part. Ambrosia & Nectar is going international, therefore employees from the three stores in the UK are being spread across America. Marie, Ann, and Leigh all took positions in a small town in western Pennsylvania called Turtle Creek. But not after Leigh confessing his love for me, basically a second time, causing Dan to get pretty annoyed, but he got over it. And then Ann confessed her love for Phil; they had a pretty epic make out session.

Oh, and that girl the Dan met on the train? My older sister, Hazel. You wanna know how I know? Good. Cause I'm going to tell you. And trust me, this is pretty painful.


So, I woke up this morning at around eight. That means I only got seven hours of sleep. Ugh, insert tired groan here.

I turned over and saw Dan, eyes shut, breathing evenly, looking peaceful as ever. I smiled, cuddling into his chest, matching the rhythm of his breathing with my own. His arms unconsciously wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer towards him, resting his head on top of mine.

"Morning," he whispered, tightening his grip on me slightly.

"Morning. Do you wanna go get breakfast?" I asked cheerfully.

"No. I just wanna lay here for a bit. All alone with you." I was a little confused at that; he wasn't a very romantic person this early in the morning. Or ever, really. I pulled my head away and looked him in the eyes.

"Are you feeling okay?" He closed his eyes, shaking his head, and pulled me into a hug.

"I had a really bad dream." I pulled away again, placing a quick kiss on his pink lips. He pulled away, smiling gratefully. Although I could tell it was forced.

"Do you wanna tell me what it was about?" I asked, hopeful to help him a bit.

"No. It would probably be way too painful. But I do have a question." I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Ask away, dearest Daniel," I said in a sophisticated voice. He smiled.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I was truly shocked. I stared at him for about five seconds before cracking a huge grin, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him. It was long and full of passion. He pulled away, smiling.

"Is that a yes?" he asked whilst laughing.

"Holy Jesus on a boat, yes!" I pulled him into a hug. Once we separated, I took his hand, dragging him into the kitchen for breakfast. Phil was leaning against the counter, hair disheveled and still in his pajamas, sipping coffee.

"Good morning, Philip!" I sang cheerfully. He looked at me questioningly before glancing down at mine and Dan's intertwined fingers, then looking over at Dan.

"So, is this a thing now? Am I going to get the death glare again?" Dan looked at me questioningly as I blushed, rushing to answer Phil.

"Yes, it is a thing now. Feel free to share with us the ship name that you probably came up with before the entire Phandom and the Lifeless."

"Cool. Dalec (pronounced Dalek. Don't judge. It works) is what I came up with. Although, I really thought Phan was going somewhere, Dan. You've broken my heart!" Phil dramatically put a hand over his heart, causing Dan and I to laugh.

"Back off bitch. He's mine," I said jokingly.

"Wow. This is the first time my best friend and girlfriend have ever fought over me. This is a quite momentous occasion." After sharing a laugh, we all gathered in the lounge to discuss plans for the day while watching Sword Art Online and eating toaster waffles all at the same time.

Diary Of A Lovesick, Immature, Slightly Depressed Fangirl (A Dan Howell Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now