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Okay, explanation time.

I dropped Dan and Phil off at Louise's house at around eight. I went home and drank wine while watching Doctor Who. I only had a few glasses, I wasn't drunk.

At about ten thirty, I went to pick Dan and Phil up. Needless to say, they were wasted. Drunk off their asses. Luckily, Phil was smart drunk tonight. Dan, on the other hand, was completely obnoxious.

"Your eyes are so beautiful," he said from the passenger seat. His words were slurred together. "You are so amazing." He hiccuped a few times before staring out the window.

"How you doing back there, Phillip?" I asked.

"I feel like absolute shit. I'm going straight to bed when we get back."

"The hell you are. It's New Years Eve. My birthday. You are staying up until midnight." He groaned but didn't complain or object to staying up. I smiled triumphantly.

"You look sexy when you win an argument," Dan mumbled mindlessly. I blushed at his drunken comment. I pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car, followed by the two drunken boys. I unlocked the door to my flat and went straight to the kitchen, grabbing two more wine glasses from my cupboard and pouring the boys each a drink, refilling mine in the process. I went to the lounge and gave the boys their drinks, getting two mumbled thanks.

"Cheers," I said cheerily. We clinked glasses and drank.

"I thought you don't drink," Phil commented as we watched Doctor Who.

"No, I don't get drunk. There is a difference." Dan looked at me.

"What kind if drunk are you?" he asked. I smiled.

"Dunno. Maybe we can find out." He smirked seductively and turned back to the television.

After an hour of TV, the clock struck midnight. Phil threw his hands in the air, like he won something and was celebrating, and trudged to his room, shutting the door behind him. I got up, picked up our wine glasses and put them in the kitchen. As I was putting away the wine itself, Dan walked into the room and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me.

"What do you say we find out which kind of drunk you are, yeah?" he whispered into my ear, effectively making me shiver.

"Maybe when you are a little more sober," I said as I turned around in his arms. He smiled at me and leaned forwards.

"How bout one last birthday present," he whispered before his lips brushed against mine. I involuntary wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him myself. He kissed me back, after squirming about me touching his neck, our lips moving in sync, our noses slotted together perfectly. After about fifteen seconds, he pulled away, smiling like an absolute idiot. I was smiling as well. He leaned back in for another kiss, but I put a hand on his chest to stop him.

"Maybe when you aren't as drunk, and actually know what you are doing," I said, avoiding eye contact. He lifted my chin with his hand, forcing to look into his deep brown eyes.

"You're such a tease," he whispered as he pulled away. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my room. "I'm going to change into my pajamas. You should do the same. Be right back."

So I changed my clothes and climbed under my duvet. Dan returned five minutes wearing a pair of plaid pyjama pants and no shirt. He climbed under the covers next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest. He kissed my forehead.

"Make sure to tell me what happened tonight. I probably won't remember in the morning," he told me before slipping into a deep sleep. One, which I followed in suit.

I woke up to Dan's arms still wrapped around me. I untangled myself from his arms, managing not to wake him up. The time on my clock read ten o'clock. I decided to go make breakfast for the most likely hungover pair.

I made them each two waffles, three pieces of bacon, one cinnamon roll, a banana creme muffin, and orange juice with an aspirin on the side. I put the food on two trays and put one on the sidetable next to where Dan was sleeping. I then knocked on Phil's door, effectively waking him up. I heard a muffled, "come in," from his side and opened the door. Phil looked at me and the tray of food.

"Good morning!" I said cheerfully as I gave him his tray of food. "I would take the aspirin first, I'd imagine you have a huge headache from drinking last night."

"Thanks," he said. I left the room to make myself some breakfast. Scrambled eggs with a side of Nutella on toast.

I ate my minuscule breakfast before checking up on Dan. He was still asleep. At noon. I sighed and sat down on the bed next to him. He looked so peaceful. I ran a hand through his long hair, accidently waking him up. He opened his eyes and looked up at me, smiling.

"Good morning," he said in his morning voice. He winced at his own words. "Why are my words so loud?" I giggled at him.

"You probably have a huge headache. I made you breakfast, and got you an aspirin. Try to relax today."

"Thanks." I stood up and was about to walk away when Dan grabbed my wrist. I turned back to look at him.

"Why am I in your bed?"

"That, I can answer after you eat breakfast." I pulled my wrist away and went into the kitchen, where I found Phil drinking a cup of coffee.

"So what happened after I went to sleep last night?" he asked. I froze.

"Stuff. I have to tell Dan anyways. He doesn't remember a thing. Might as well hit two birds with one stone."

"You two didn't do anything bad, right?"

"No." I put away the extra muffins from breakfast, attempting to clean up the mess I made of my beautiful kitchen. I wasn't able to do much, as Dan came into the room, asking me to tell him what happened last night.

So I told them what happened. Dan tried to apologize. I ignored him, only smiling.

"Oh, and tonight is the night we find out what kind of drunk I am. So we need to head on over to the liquor store. But we can do something else before that. Anybody have anything in mind?"

"We could invite over Peej and Chris," offered Dan.

"They are in the Bahamas right now," Phil said.

"What about Charlie?"

"Filming all week."


"Les Miserable rehearsals."

"Ugh. How about we just relax until eight. Then we can go get alcohol for Alec and see which kind of drunk she is."

"Okay," I said. "But I need you to write down what happens in my journal. And do not read an of my other entries. Or I will kill you. Brutally. And you both need to stay sober." They muttered their agreement and went to go browse through Tumblr. Until tomorrow, journal.


Diary Of A Lovesick, Immature, Slightly Depressed Fangirl (A Dan Howell Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now