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Dear journal,

I have already found a new flat, a very nice one, and I've already gotten the boxes of my stuff there. It's in London, but nowhere near Dan and Phil's flat. I've already applied to uni, and I've changed quite a bit in the last two days.

I dyed my hair maroon. I got spider bites in my lower lip (those are piercings) and got gauges. I also got a tattoo on my side. It reads, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened", my favourite Dr. Seuss quote ever.

I have had no contact with Dan and Phil whatsoever, and I don't plan on it. I don't plan on meeting up with Phil, and I don't plan on seeing Dan anywhere other than my laptop screen. I did end up getting back to Leigh; he immediately informed Dan, Phil, Marie, and Ann that I was alright, initially ending the phone calls.

I am not going to write in this journal ever again, unless it is so extremely important that it must be written down.

Therefore, I am bidding you farewell dearest journal. You have been the only true friend that I've had for the past two weeks. Gods, only two weeks. You've listened to me when nobody else would. And for that, I thank you.

Goodbye, Journal.

Yours Truly,

Alecto Samantha Burleigh

Tears. Everywhere. Lol. Joking. But yep. Two more chapters after this. I think. So yeah. There's something to look forward to.


Andromeda Leigh Barnett

Diary Of A Lovesick, Immature, Slightly Depressed Fangirl (A Dan Howell Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now