Fatal Game

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I nervously bit my lip and looked up at my social worker, Mrs. Wilson. She sat at her desk scribbling down notes of our conversation. I prayed that she would decide to help me out since I can’t take another day in that hell I’m supposed to call home.

“Well Anna, it seems like a nice apartment and the rent is cheap. Do you have furniture and kitchen appliances?” Mrs. Wilson asked while looking out at the rain.

“My sister offered me her old bed but that’s all. I don’t have anything else” I mumbled while wondering if I’m capable of living on my own. Not that I have much of a choice.

“We can grant you a little money for whatever you need. You won’t be able to buy any new furniture though. There’s plenty of second hand shops around so you should be able to find everything for your new home” Mrs. Wilkinson said happily while turning to look at the clock.

“It seems like we’re out of time. You can go and sign that contract and I will see you in 2 weeks when you have gotten settled in. Your money will be transferred to your bank account. I hope you won’t rush things like this anymore and book an appointment when you need to see me.”

I nodded, got up and shook her hand.

“Thanks, I really need this” I said, feeling relieved.

Mrs. Wilkinson just smiled and turned to her computer screen.

Once I was out of her office, I headed for the restroom. Fortunately it wasn’t occupied so I stepped inside and locked the door.

I turned to stare at my reflection in the mirror. Why do I have to be so ugly and unwanted?

The person staring back is about 5’1 and skinny with unmanageable brown hair to the middle of her back and grayish-blue almond shaped eyes.

Her nose is a little bit too big on her oval shaped face and it’s been many years since her lips were pulled up in a smile.

Yeah, that ugly girl is me; Anna Peterson. I am 16 years old and a complete failure.

Recently I dropped out of school because I just can’t handle school with my current situation at home. Maybe I should tell you more about it. Definitely.

I live at home with my dad Bill, my mom Maggie and a 4-year younger sister, Lisa.

Lisa is a very strange kid and usually screams that she’s being murdered if you even touch her.

My older sister, Minna, moved out when she was 18. That was 6 years ago. Minna is what I call an ‘Ice princess’. Everything must be perfect. Even though she is from a worker class family, she tries to be very upper class. I don’t get why she must pretend to be rich and so so perfect.

Us sisters are in no way close. We don’t speak to each other unless we have to. My parents also had a son but he died before I was born. I don’t know much about him other than his name; Oscar.

My whole life I have been abused by my dad. He hits me whenever he feels like it. There is never a real reason. He doesn’t just use his fists but everything he possibly can. And let me tell you that belt buckles and fire pokers hurt. A lot. My face is the only part he won’t hit. I guess he wants to try and hide the fact that he abuses his kids.

When I was 10 I told the school nurse and she called social services. They came to see the whole family a few times. Of course my dad denied the whole thing and claimed that I got my bruises while playing outside. Apparently I was clumsy and fell a lot. They believed him over me.

After that everything got worse and my dad even hit me in front of my best friend, Jessie. Shortly after that she stopped talking to me. I still don’t know why.

That was about a year ago.

He even took away my keys so I couldn’t go anywhere. Every week he went through my room, destroying CD’s, clothes, jewelry, books, pretty much everything he considered inappropriate. If you wonder what he think is inappropriate, I can’t tell. He changes his mind too often. One week it’s rock music, next week it’s Britney Spears.

3 days ago I decided to finally leave this hell-hole and went looking for an apartment. Yesterday I finally found a suitable one. It’s a one-room apartment with a tiny bathroom and a walk-in closet. It’s small but it’s not like I need a lot of space.

Unfortunately I would have to move in on Monday once I sign the contract.

Today is Thursday so I only need to suffer a few more days.

Now you probably wonder about my mom. Well, she cares but is too afraid of my dad to actually do anything. She spends most of her time alone and tries to please my dad so he won’t hurt her. Mom and I don’t have that close of connection either.

It’s pretty much everyone on their own in our family.

Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone banged on the bathroom door. I unlocked it and stepped out.

The man glared at me and pushed me aside when he walked inside.

I just sighed and walked outside where it had stopped raining.

While thinking about the fastest way to the landlord I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Smoking always calms my nerves.

This will be so amazing! I am finally free and won’t have to deal with my psychotic dad after Monday.

I picked up my cell phone from my jacket pocket and called my older sister. We quickly decide to meet up on Monday morning so she can help me move in.

She also offered to help me shop for all the stuff I would need.

As usual she also yelled at me for whatever reason. I never listen though.

For the first time in years I smiled a little and start walking towards the city center. It was time to go and meet the landlord and sign a contract for my new home.

Little did I know that my hell hasn’t even started yet, that my life would turn into a horror movie.

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