Fatal Game - part 7

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With a thump I fell off the sofa, clutching my stomach with tears running down my face. I could NOT stop laughing.

No, I haven’t gone insane.

I was just watching my favorite British comedy show. I’ll never grow tired of it.

A week had passed since my dream about that statue and absolutely nothing had happened.

Sam and I hung out, went bowling and shopping. We even went to a party.

Tonight we were supposed to play our favorite game, just to get some clear answers.

Just when I was about to put on the next disc in the DVD player, my doorbell rang.

Sam’s here, I cheered in my head and skipped to the door.

He started waving a little bag in front of my face as soon as I opened the door.

“I brought you chocolate. Just like the princess requested” he said and hugged me.

“And don’t worry. Whatever has been going on, it will stop tonight.”

I had to agree. Instead of being a chicken, I decided to toughen up, contact this spirit and demand that it leaves and never comes back.

There is no way I would ever want to have this thing around me. It was mean and the pranks it pulled weren’t funny. My favorite shirt was ruined, and it wasn’t like I had a lot of clothes.

I pushed the living-room table aside to make room in the middle of the floor.

Sam started setting up the candles and the board while I was digging through my jewelry.

This is something I refused to do without the cross necklace I had gotten for my 15th birthday. I’m in no way religious but still…

We lit the candles and dimmed the light, getting ready. It was time to show this ghost who’s the boss around here.

Time went by, questions were asked but nothing was happening until a little before midnight. Finally!

The planchette vibrated slightly, like it wanted to start moving.

Since we had decided that I was going to ask all the questions once we made contact, I hesitantly started with some basic ones.

Questions about its name, age and where it came from were unanswered.

“Fine, I get it. You don’t want to talk. I’ll leave you alone then” I snapped.

I stood up, ready to go to bed when Sam grabbed my leg, pointing at the planchette.

It had moved to ‘No’.

Excited I sat back down and put my fingers on it.

“Do you want me to stay and talk to you?” I continued, following our earlier plan.

It moved to ‘Yes’ and I moved it back to the starting point.

“Then here’s the deal, you will have to answer some of my questions. Now, what’s your name?”

No answer.

“Are you a female?”

No answer.

“You are a male” I stated and the planchette moved to ‘Yes’.

“Can you tell me your age?”

Slowly it moved to ‘No’.

“At least tell me if you’re older than me!” I hissed out of annoyance.

It moved back to ‘Yes’.

Starting to get pissed about not getting real answers, I stood up and declared that this had to be over and whoever he was must leave and never come back. This was my home and he was not welcome.

Sam stared at me wide-eyed and with his mouth open.

“Damn, girl… Where did you get courage from? Before you were such a chicken and now you demand things. Never thought that you had it in you to stand up to this thing” he chuckled and started packing up his stuff.

“I’m going home since we’re done here. G’nite and sweet dreams” he yawned and left.

I walked to my bathroom to brush my teeth and change into my pajamas.

When I was done I stopped and stared at my face in the mirror.

I tried to smile and look cute, but all I could see was my front teeth. I look like a goddamn rabbit! And being only 5’1 makes me feel like a dwarf. People mistake me for a little kid…

I turned sideways and kept looking at the mirror. Why can’t I look like other girls my age? They have boobs and always manage to look cute.

I’m more like a board with 2 raisins. An anorexic rabbit. I hate my looks!

With a frustrated growl I threw my hairbrush into the mirror. It didn’t break.

Yeah, I can’t even manage to break something.

I stared at my reflection again while minutes passed. I didn’t stop until I thought I saw something move in the background.

I spun around quickly just to come face to face with nothing.

Goose bumps rose on my arms and the hair on my neck stood up.

This can’t mean anything good, I thought and started reaching for the door.

As soon as I grabbed the door handle, the light bulb exploded into millions of pieces.

I pushed open the door and ran to my bed. My eyes were scanning the room for anything out of the ordinary.

I sat like that, on alert, for like 2 hours or something. When I was calm enough, I decided that everything would be ok after some sleep.

It was probably an old light bulb. Nothing to worry about.

Everything is just fine, I thought when getting up to turn off the lights.

Once I had crawled into bed, I fell asleep in seconds.

When my eyes opened, I noticed immediately that I was back in that ghost town.

My first stop was the fountain. I didn’t understand why I was so drawn to it, why I wanted to just sit here.

I looked at the clear water. Then I looked at the angels.

Yes! That must be why… Angels can’t mean anything bad, right?

So I probably feel safer here than the streets.

I relaxed and just kept admiring this enormous fountain.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the summer breeze that smelt like the sea. Smiling I opened my eyes and wondered if the sea was close by.

When I felt someone brushing my hair aside, I stiffened up and squeezed my eyes shut.

Completely terrified, I tried to not even breathe.

Slowly a hand caressed my cheek and I desperately tried to open my eyes.

Yet again my body refused to obey and I could feel the panic welling up inside.

The hand moved down my neck to my shoulder and stayed there.

“You can not tell me what to do” said a voice that was becoming painfully familiar.

Suddenly I was grabbed by my hair and forced to stand up.

My body was still refusing to do as I wanted. Damn it! I need to open my fucking eyes right now!

Before I could think anything else, my head hit something hard and I passed out.

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