Fatal Game - part 10

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I woke up crying. My pillow was soaking wet and I was too tired to even move my hand.

My dreams were getting out of hand and I was completely powerless to stop this madness. There was no way I could be alone right now.

With shaking hands I grabbed my cell phone and called Sam.

After a long while he finally answered.

“Sam” I whispered. “Come over now. I’m scared to death” I sniffled.

“Gee Anna, it’s like 5 in the morning. What’s going on?”

Quickly I explained what I had dreamed and he promised to come by.

Slowly I got out of bed and turned on the lights.

I was sure that I had lost my sanity. Was it my dad’s fault? Maybe I had always been crazy, but hadn’t noticed until now…

When the doorbell rang, I went to open it and was met with Sam’s friendly but worried face.

I collapsed on the floor, clutching his leg.

Sam crouched down and just held me, stroking my hair.

“Fuck, Anna. You’re a real mess. I’m getting really worried, you know.”

He pulled me up and led me to the couch and sat me on his lap.

I was shaking like a leaf and my thoughts kept wandering back to that town.

And why is that man terrorizing me?

Today I am supposed to meet that social worker but I really don’t want to go.

All I want is to stay under a blanket and float to a dreamland full of unicorns and rainbows, not live through this nightmare.

“Anna, you really should get some sleep. You look terrible. I promise that I will skip school and stay here. I’ll watch over you.” Sam mumbled and shifted to a more comfortable position.

I looked up at him, feeling really small. “I just need to leave Mrs. Wilson a message first” I whispered and reached out a hand and grabbed the phone.

After I had called and left a message that I was sick today and couldn’t come, I crawled into bed.

For god knows how long, I just laid there, too terrified to fall asleep.

I thought about that man, the statue, the fountain and the cages.

No matter how I tried to analyze things, they just wouldn’t make any sense to me.

Things like these are not something a normal, sane person would go through.

Conclusion: I have truly lost my mind.

With that thought in mind, I slowly drifted off to dreamland.

I woke up when I heard some scratching noises.

Tiredly I rubbed my eyes and sat up to look around. Yet again I was in my old room at my parents place.

This time I couldn’t see anything weird no matter where I looked.

Not even under the bed could I find something.

I left the room and walked to the living room. The entire place was deadly quiet except for the occasional scratching sounds.

There was no telling where those sounds came from.

And where are my parents and little sister?

I peeked into my parents’ bedroom but there was absolutely nothing, so I decided to check my sister’s room.

When I was standing outside her room I started to feel a little uneasy.

But I ignored it and opened the door.

My sister was sitting on her bed by the window, with her back to me.

“Lisa, sorry I didn’t…um… knock.”

She slowly turned around and glared at me. Like in slow motion she got up from the bed and walked towards me.

“You know he’s gonna get you. You can’t escape.” she hissed.

I jumped when the door behind me slammed shut and I turned around but no one was by the door. Was this another one of those dreams?

I took a closer look at Lisa. She was really pale, had dark bags under her eyes and looked overall scary.

She raised her arm and pointed at me. “You belong to HIM!” she roared and I bolted out of her room.

I ended up in the kitchen and sat in a chair, thinking about what Lisa said.

She was talking about ‘him’. Who could that be? Was she talking about my mystery man? And what is she doing in my dream?

I put my head in my hands and whimpered, not understanding why all of this was happening.

The scratching noises started moving closer to me and I looked up. Nothing there.

I checked under the table. Nothing there either.

This was starting to freak me out so I got up to leave but some loud squeaking behind me stopped me. I very slowly turned around, ready for the worst.

What I saw made me nearly laugh. This small imp-like creature was circling around a chair, studying me. It didn’t look that friendly but come on! What can a little imp, not bigger than a kitten, do to me?

Seconds later I watched horrified when the imp grew claws and the look on its face turned from simple unfriendliness to insanity.

With a high-pitched scream, the imp attacked my leg with its claws. I screamed when I felt the burning pain in my calf and I tried to rip the imp off. It refused to let go and kept scratching me.

My eyes shot open when something collided with my face. When I saw Sam’s familiar face I stopped screaming and started crying.

“I’m really sorry Anna, but you wouldn’t wake up” Sam tried to explain frantically.

I must have looked confused because he continued; “I had to slap you pretty hard.”

Still feeling that pain, I pulled the covers off me and then pulled up my pant leg.

My leg had long, deep, bleeding gashes from right below my knee to my ankle.

Sam’s eyes kept shifting from my leg to my face and back.

He turned around, grabbed his jacket and left without a word.

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