Fatal Game - part 5

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My eyes flew open and I started struggling against something that was holding me down. I got ready to scream when, whoever this was, clamped his hand over my mouth and I panicked even more.

“Goddammit, Anna! What’s wrong with you? It’s just me so you can calm down and explain what’s going on with you, ok? Take a deep breath and look at me. It’s just you and me here” Sam tried to sooth me.

I could only stare at him and think this dream through.

He patiently sat and waited for an explanation that I couldn’t give at the moment.

Christ, I wasn’t even sure what that was all about.

Finally I decided to tell him what I remember.

“There was this town… It was all grey and depressing except for the big square with a beautiful fountain. The whole place was empty, like they had abandoned it for some reason. I really couldn’t find anyone. Before I woke up I sat by the fountain and this – this – man touched me and said that I’m never alone. He felt really evil and I was so scared” I started sobbing.

“It’s just a dream, nothing more. All you had was a nightmare and you know you have those often. Last night just spooked you real good. There’s no evil man. I promise” he kept murmuring while hugging me.

“It’s weird though” I yawned, “I feel completely drained of all energy. It feels like I haven’t slept for even one second. And the fact how real everything felt, like if I actually was there. What time is it?” I yawned again.

“Well, you fell asleep around 6 am and it’s about 8.30 in the evening. I didn’t have the heart to wake you up” he said with a smile.

“Holy shit!” I exclaimed and started getting ready to leave. “I’m so so sorry that I have wasted your time by sleeping. Maybe we could do something tomorrow? Just call me anytime…” I shouted before running out the door and heading home.

I suddenly decided to stop and turned to look at the woods. It was tempting to wander over there, to explore the woods.

No. NO. I will not do that. What the hell is wrong with me?

Ok, Anna. Just walk home, change into pajamas and get some sleep.

I turned back to my apartment complex and walked home.

All the way to my apartment I felt like I was being watched.

Once I had changed out of my clothes and brushed my teeth, I crawled into bed.

Because I still felt scared, I left a table lamp on.

I had no clue whatsoever why I was feeling so tired. I slept the whole day so I should in no way feel this drained.

Despite my worries I managed to fall into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up in the morning to my phone ringing. Clumsily I got up and walked to the hallway so I could answer that darn phone.

“Yeah?” I mumbled tiredly and feeling a little annoyed that I couldn’t sleep longer.

Whoever this is better have a good excuse.

“Anna? This is mom. I just wanted to call and see if you’re doing ok over there. I just don’t understand why you had to move. Your little sister needs you. Should I come over and cook something for you?”

“I can manage just fine. You treat me like a little kid” I whined. “And Lisa hates me. You should know that by now. And don’t bring up Minna because she hates me even more. Why can’t you just accept that I can’t stand living in those conditions anymore? Look mom, I really just want to get back to bed. I deserve to be lazy for one whole day.”

After some whining and bickering we finally hung up. Sometimes my mother could be extremely annoying. It’s like she never understands that I’m an adult soon. There’s no way I will depend on her again.

I crawled back into my cozy bed, pleased that I never opened the curtains. Sleeping is so much easier in a dark room.

For hours I just lied there listening to everything going on in this house.

Finally I grew so bored that I start falling asleep. That’s when I heard the faint knocking.

I kept still and tried to figure out where it’s coming from.

It seems like it’s coming from my walk-in closet.

Slowly I climbed out of bed and silently walked to the closet. As fast as I could I ripped the door open and turned on the light. Of course there was absolutely nothing in there except my clothes.

I banged my head against the wall a few times, because I really thought that I’m losing it.

My imagination was running wild and I’m letting it.

Just before I turned off the light I spotted something on the wall above the light switch.

It’s a black handprint, clearly visible against the white wall. And it’s huge.

Way bigger than my hand. It wasn’t there when I moved in and Sam hasn’t been in here.

Even if he had, his hands are not that big.

I looked at the handprint a little longer, then I convinced myself that it’s been there since day 1 and went back to bed.

Soon enough I started dozing off and welcomed the darkness.

My eyes fluttered open and once again I stared at the gray houses in this unknown town. Oh dear god, not again!

This time though, something was different but I wasn’t sure it’s in a good way.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again

“Ok, Anna. Explore the town and find someone. There is no chance in hell that you’re completely alone in a town like this” I mumbled to myself.

I took another deep breath before walking into the nearest alley. It was narrow, dirty and smelly. Here and there stood overfilled trash cans.

“Ha! I knew people lived around here” I squealed of joy.

“Why are you hiding from me?” I shouted down the alley but got no answer.

I continued walking around, calling for anybody, but it was like a ghost town.

When I ended up by the fountain, I gave up and sat down.

Stupid people in this stupid town! What do they think they can accomplish by hiding from me? It only irritates me to no end.

I laid down on my back and stared at the grey sky. It looked like it would start raining any moment now so I got up, thinking that I needed to find some shelter.

Getting sick wouldn’t do at all.

3 steps. That was how far I got before arms snaked around my waist and I stiffened up. I tried to turn my head so I could see this person but my body just wouldn’t listen to my brain.

That was the moment I heard it. The voice from my last visit.

I felt his breath against my ear when he murmured; “I will never let you go.”

Fatal GameTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang