Fatal Game - part 14

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Sam and I walked out of the police station in the very early morning hours. The entire night had been spent at the hospital and the police station.

I couldn’t believe that someone had actually been killed. There was no way I could tell the cops that a demon had done it, so we came up with a lie.

Pastor Robert Wright hadn’t really been standing on a chair, trying to fix the curtains but hey, how else would he have fallen out of the window?

The cops did look quite suspicious of our story but let us go.

“Hey Anna, do you want to sleep at my place tonight?” Sam asked out of the blue.

I thought hard about what had happened last night. There was no way I would be able to go back to my place alone.

“Yeah, I can’t be in my apartment right now” I mumbled and stared at the ground while we were walking.

When we got to his place, we tiptoed to his room to get some sleep. I really didn’t want to sleep but I was just so tired.

Sam disappeared for a while and came back with a blanket and a pillow and fixed up the sofa in his room.

“Don’t let my mom know how much I’ve been skipping school. She would freak if she ever found out” Sam whispered to me before giving me a hug and bidding goodnight.

I lied awake for a long time before I finally fell into a dreamless sleep.

When I was shaken awake in the late afternoon, I tiredly fell off the sofa. At first I didn’t recognize the room but I quickly remembered that I had slept in Sam’s room.

The memories of last night made me feel really bad. I wish that I would have stopped pastor Robert. He did not deserve to die like that. He had only tried to help me, after all.

“I’m going to sleep at my apartment tonight” I mumbled and glanced at Sam who looked like he was about to protest. “I can’t keep running away from this and you know it as well as I do” I tiredly explained.

“I guess” Sam sighed and sat down on his bed, not looking happy at all. I knew he didn’t want me going back there.

We decided to watch TV for a while before Sam’s mother came home and made dinner for us. After we had finished, Sam convinced his mom to let him sleep at my place tonight. It was Friday after all, so he didn’t have to worry about school the next day.

On the way to my apartment we talked quietly about last nights happenings and how uneasy both of us felt. Sam tried to get me to find someone else that could help out but after what had happened last night, that was out of the question. I would need to tackle this problem myself.

Once I had unlocked the door and we stepped in, both of us stared at the place in shock. It really looked like someone had trashed the place.

The sofa was upside down and my bed sheets were all messy and ripped up. I could not believe that someone had gotten in here and messed up my whole livingroom/bedroom like this.

Fortunately my landlord had been here to board up the window so I didn’t have to worry about that.

After we cleaned up the place and arranged everything like it should be, we watched some comedies while munching on popcorn.

Just like me, Sam seemed to feel quite uneasy I noted when I saw him glancing around and scooting closer to me on the sofa. If I didn’t know better, I would say that we were just being paranoid.

It totally felt like someone was watching us closely. The room had this strange presence to it. I did not like it one bit.

“Um, Sam… It’s like 11 already and I do feel tired. Wanna go to bed??” I wondered, hoping that we could share a bed for this one night. We were best friends after all so that shouldn’t be too weird, right?

“Uh, yeah. You wouldn’t take it the wrong way if I asked you to share the bed with me, would you?” he asked, fiddling with the hem of his hoodie.

I just smiled and shook my head. It was just perfect.

Quickly I changed into my pajamas in the bathroom before crawling next to Sam. Of course we had separate blankets. We would never be romantically involved.

For hours we just laid there, talking about anything and everything. When I heard his light snores, I turned off the bedside lamp before curling up under the blanket, ready to sleep.

This was the second night in a row that I fell into a dreamless sleep.

I abruptly woke up from a hard punch in my face and looked at Sam before my eyes widened in shock.

I was straddling him, my hands around his neck, squeezing hard.

When I realized what was happening and let go he was already blue in the face.

This was very, very bad. I had just tried to strangle my best friend.

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