Fatal Game - part 9

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“You got to be kidding me” I screeched and started pulling my hair.

“Why do you keep bringing me to this place? There’s nothing here!”

Stomping my foot, I prepared to start screaming profanities but stopped when I noticed movement in the alley closest to me.

I squinted my eyes and stared at what seem like transparent shadow figures.

Curious as I am, I walked into the ally but the figures disappeared.

With a huff I turned around and decided that I would make my way into these houses, one way or another.

I stopped in the middle of the street and tried to decide which house to choose first.

The one on the right, a voice in my head suggested and I agreed.

I walked up to the door and turned the door handle. The door creaked open and I stuck my head inside, making sure that the coast was clear.

Seeing nothing suspicious, I walked inside and took a good look around.

This house was really dark so I felt the wall for a light switch and when I found it, I turned on the lights.

It was completely empty. This floor was one big room. Surprisingly there was no dust or dirt inside, but the floor had big spots of something brownish. The smell was horrible though. It was similar to the smell in my apartment a while back, but much stronger. I wanted to gag.

I looked over to the staircase in corner and decided to check out the upper floor.

The stairs creaked and I was afraid that they might not hold my weight, but they did. The upper floor was also just one big room, but it wasn’t empty.

Big metal cages stood lined up against the walls.

Just like downstairs, the floor was covered with big brownish spots and I wondered what that brownish stuff was.

I hurried out of the house and walked to the house across the street.

That house looked exactly like the one before, so I decided to go next door to the one story house.

The door to that house was already open so I just walked in.

Metal cages filled the room and the stench was unbelievable. I actually threw up because of it.

When I was trying to stumble outside, I noticed stairs leading to what I presumed was the basement.

Might as well check it out, I thought and started walking down the stairs.

Somebody had lit an oil lamp in the corner so I could see a bit.

The basement had something that looked like an altar, in the middle of the room.

I leaned against the wall and something fell down with a loud clatter.

Crouching down, I inspected it but I had no idea what it could be.

The thing was so weird that I can’t even begin to describe it, so I left it right there and walked to the altar.

I let my finger glide on it and felt something sticky. I don’t know why, but I got a bad feeling about the sticky stuff.

Slowly I walked towards the light and checked my finger.

My heart skipped a beat and I was filled with fear when I realized that it was blood.

Had someone been killed here recently? I had to get out!

I rushed up the stairs and out the door, heading for the fountain.

While running through the street like a madman, I noticed that there were actually a lot of these shadowy figures.

By the time I reached the fountain, I was sobbing like crazy.

I kneeled in front of the angel in the middle and silently begged it to bring me back home.

When nothing happened, I pulled up my knees, wrapped my arms around my legs and hid my face. I was full out bawling now.

Two hands were placed on my shoulders and a familiar, deep voice spoke; “Why so sad? There is no reason to show these type of feelings here. Welcome to paradise.”

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