Fatal Game - part 15

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“Anna, it wasn’t you!” Sam sighed for the tenth time while hugging me. “Please stop crying.” I had no idea what had happened and Sam wasn’t sure of things either. All he could say for certain was that my eyes had been completely different.

It didn’t help me feel any better though.

“What’s wrong with me?” I wailed and buried my face in a pillow. Sam kept rubbing my back and sighed once more. “Anna, calm down. Try to get some more sleep while I go home for a while. Nothing more should happen.”

He tucked me in and promised to come back in a couple of hours before leaving. I laid there, trying to figure out why he didn’t hate me and avoid me at all costs.

Too much had happened for me to ignore it anymore. Something was playing with me. It did piss me off that whatever it was, it was hurting people I cared about. I would not let it win. With that thought I fell asleep.

I felt a little chilly and tried to pull up my blanket, but I didn’t have one so I opened my eyes and groaned.

Stupid little town with stupid grey houses. If there was one place I hated, it was this town. Everything seemed darker and dirtier than before.

As I got up, I felt the ominous atmosphere around me. It truly felt like this could be my end. Carefully I looked around but couldn’t see anyone. I needed to go to the fountain. For some reason I had always woken up when I was there and being here was the last thing I wanted.

I took off running, scared that I might meet something or someone that would hurt me.

The first thing I noticed when I reached the fountain, is that the water was pink. As far as I knew, water isn’t pink. The razor blade was still lying where it had been the last time and I felt a strong need to use it again.

Like in a trance I picked it up and made the first cut. It fascinated me to see my blood mix with the water and I made another cut, and another...

“Such a good little slave” the voice whispered excitedly and I felt arms hugging my waist.

With a gasp I sat up in my bed. Sam was sitting next to me, freaked out while trying to stop my arm from bleeding. It seemed like whatever happened in my dream, happened in real life too. But I couldn’t care less. All I wanted was for Sam to be safe. I would also make sure that this thing wouldn’t win. I would be strong enough to fight this.

“Seriously, what the hell were you dreaming?” Sam snapped while pressing a towel on the cuts.

I took a deep breath and started telling him every small detail of my dreams. The more I told him, the more worried he got.

“That’s it, Anna. I’m gonna get you some help and we will get rid of this thing.”

Still being very tired, I just nodded and crawled under the blankets. I didn’t fear my dreams that much anymore. Nothing really happened in them so reality was much more scary. Before I fell asleep, I watched Sam flipping through a phone book.

All I saw was darkness. I tried feeling around me, to find something to tell me where I was but found nothing.

Then it started getting brighter and brighter until I could see my apartment. Sam was sleeping on the sofa with the phone book in his lap.

The next thing I saw was that blue statue-thing. This time his grin was replaced with a frown and he glared at Sam. Like in slow motion, he took a step towards Sam and I started panicking. They can’t start targeting Sam!

Before I could react, the statue was standing next to Sam, shaking its head. I tried to reach for Sam but fell into darkness again.

As soon as I woke up, I jumped out of bed and checked Sam for anything weird. Like in my dream, Sam had fallen asleep on the sofa. I shook him awake and told him about my dream and my fear of him getting hurt.

“Chill, nothing is going to happen to me. No need to worry, I’m perfectly safe” he smiled and I turned back to my bed. Before I could crawl back under my blanket, Sam screamed.

With horror I watched him being pulled down from the sofa and dragged into my closet, with the door slamming shut behind him.

“Sam! Goddamnit, let him go you monster!” I kept trying to open the door. When nothing helped, I started pounding on it. I had to save Sam. Once I tired myself out, I sat down on the floor, just to see the door swing open slowly.

Sam stepped out, pale and expressionless. He didn’t talk or even look at me. He just got dressed and left my apartment, more or less acting like a zombie. Quickly I pulled on a pair of shoes and ran after him.

“Sam, what happened? Please, talk to me” I pleaded but he made no sign of hearing me. “Sam? Say something…” I tried again and this time he looked at me with empty eyes. It was like he wasn’t here anymore.

“I saw him” he mumbled. “He showed himself. He…” Sam trailed off and started laughing hysterically. “I saw him” he continued laughing before breaking down sobbing. I tried to comfort him but had no clue what to really do, so I decided to bring him home before going back to my place.

When I finally came back home the whole apartment smelled like rotten meat. I knew he was here, but I refused to let him win. Somehow I would get rid of this thing. I crawled into bed, keeping the lights on. It was time to fall asleep and face him for real.

Fatal GameHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin