Fatal Game - part 2

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I stood outside waiting for my sister around noon, when she drove up to the door in her car and trailer.

Oh goodie! Apparently she decided to bring the bed today. I took a quick peek inside the car and saw my boxes in there. Yay!

After the extremely tiring job of carrying the bed and my boxes up to my apartment on the 4th floor (no elevator), I sat down in the passenger seat and buckled up.

“So, you really think that you can manage to live by yourself” my sister scoffed.

“You are so immature and you can’t even cook or do laundry. I can’t believe that you dropped out of school. You will never accomplish anything. You’re nothing but a failure. I’m ashamed of you. Are you listening to me? Anna!”

I tune her out and think about what I need; a small kitchen table, a sofa and stuff for the kitchen.

Once we parked outside the first store I stepped out of the car and lit a cigarette.

“Goddammit Anna! You’re 16 and shouldn’t smoke. What the hell is wrong with you? You bring shame over our entire family” my sister hissed menacingly.

“Well ice princess, I’m sorry that I can’t be perfect like you” I mumbled and my sister glared at me. I stomped on the cigarette and headed inside the store.

Time to do some shopping and I better make it quick so I don’t have to hang around my sister much longer.

It only took me 15 minutes to find everything I need. But then again, I just bought the first things I laid my eyes on.

The kitchen table and 2 chairs are a horrible brown. The shade makes me think of poop.

My sister frowned at my new grey sofa that has some ugly ass flowers all over. It probably was white once upon a time. I also bought a 14” TV and a DVD-player which hopefully will work.

To my joy I found a box that holds all the necessary stuff for my kitchen.

After a look into the box my sister scrunched up her nose and shaked her head.

The drive back was very silent which I was thankful for. I wanted to think about stuff I needed to do now that I was on my own. Maybe I should have written a list.

Oh well… Making a budget is something I had to do as soon as possible.

And I totally needed to call Sam.

Sam is a guy I’ve known since we were babies. He’s 1,5 months older than me. Currently he’s the only friend I have. Our parents are old friends so it was natural for us to become friends. But that is also everything we will ever be; friends.

Smart as I was I made sure that my phone would be connected once I move in.

Once we were back at my place we carried all my stuff to my apartment before both of us sat down on the floor and sighed. After a few silent minutes my sister got up and grabbed my wallet, which I had just thrown in a corner.

“You owe me for helping you” she said snootily and snatched the last of my cash.

All I did was shrug and point at the door. It’s no use starting fights with this bitch. With a glare she turned around and walked out, slamming the door behind her.

I continued unpacking the boxes but I would need help moving the furniture.

When I was finally done, 4 hours later, I crawled up on my bed, grabbed the phone and dialed Sam’s number.

“My name is Sam, my nick is Cid but you can call me God” he answered after 4 rings.

“Oh hi Sam… I’ve finally gotten all my stuff so do you want to come over? You could help me out a bit and then we could watch TV or something” I almost whispered.

I knew he answered the phone like that because he had other friends over. And his friends didn’t like me all that much.

“Yeah, sure. I’ll be there in 30 minutes, ok?” he rushed to say and hanged up before I had the chance to answer.

Quickly I pushed the bed against the wall, where I wanted it and dug around my boxes for clean sheets. Then I hung up my curtains.

I managed to unpack a couple of boxes before Sam banged on my door.

Before I managed to even turn around he opened the door and skipped inside.

Oh yes, ladies and gentlemen, Sam skips.

“Hey Anna, I don’t feel like moving furniture tonight. Can we just hang out? I found this awesome ouija-board and brought it with me. You have candles, right?”

I could only stare at him while he unzipped his backpack and pulled out that ouija-board and 2 bottles of vodka.

“What is that? I don’t want to drink while playing with spirits” I exclaimed.

“Oh, come on! You know nothing ever happens anyway. We’ve done this a million times while sober so why not try it out drunk for once? Don’t be such a chicken, Anna.”

I thought about it for 10 seconds and then grabbed one of the bottles, opened it and took a swig.

We just sat for a while and talked shit while waiting to get drunk enough.

Once we felt like it was time we put the ouija-board between us, started setting up the candles and pulled the curtains shut.

Sam lit the candles and then both of us put our fingers on the planchette.

We looked at each other, both of us wore excited grins, and Sam asked the first question; “Will I get some pussy this week?”

I bursted out laughing.

“Hey, I don’t plan on staying a virgin for the rest of my life” he smirked.

“You have a bigger chance winning the lottery than getting a girl” I huffed.

Sam punched my arm and I put my fingers back on the planchette.

After a few hours of stupid questions my cell phone dropped down from the bed.

Startled both of us turned to look at it. Slowly Sam turned his head and looks at me nervously, yet happily.

“Are you here right now?” he blurted out.

I nearly freaked out when the planchette moved to ‘Yes’ a moment later.

Sam looked me straight in the eyes before asking “What do you want?”

At that point I really wanted to kill him. But before I could do anything the planchette started moving, slowly spelling out’ A N N A’.

Now I had a full freak out and turned on all the lights possible.

“Shit Sam, this isn’t funny! Why did you have to do that” I screamed while hitting him.

“It wasn’t me, I swear! Didn’t you see that I actually removed my fingers and wasn’t holding it at all? Oh my God! This is bad, really really bad…. Fuck” he groaned.

I glanced at my watch and saw that it is only 6, still too early to go to bed but what the hell… I was tired and the drinking made me feel a bit woozy.

“Umm, Sam… Do you mind staying the night?”

“Sure. My ‘rents don’t care anyway. But your bed is only a single, is that…” I interrupted him before he started worrying too much.

“Sam. I’ll take the sofa so the bed is all yours. I have an extra blanket and pillow so we’re ok.”

He let out the breath he had been holding and gave me a small smile.

“Nothing will happen Anna. I promise. We just imagined the whole thing. Some hallucination thanks to all the drinking. I really wanna pass out right now” he yawned and stretched.

“All right, let’s hit the sack then… Goodnight Sam.”

He crawled into bed and fell asleep almost immediately. I dug around for a flashlight and turned it on before blowing out the candles, getting the sofa ready and turning off all the other lights.

Once I was lying under the blanket I turned off the flashlight and squeezed my eyes shut. But just seconds before I fell asleep, I swear I heard shuffling and heavy breathing coming from my walk-in closet….

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