Fatal Game - part 12 (Sam's P.O.V.)

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I looked from her leg to her face, and back again. This was crazy.

There had to be someway to help her!

I had been watching her and she did not do this to herself.

Yes, I would help her, I decided and grabbed my jacket to go home.

As soon as I got home, I sat down by the computer.

This would take some research. But no matter how much time I had to spend here, I would help her.

She’s my best friend and watching her go through this was painful and scary.

“Sam, what are you up to?” my mother called and walked into my room. “How is Anna doing?”

“Uh, she’s doing great” I said with a forced smile. My parents would never believe me. They would probably send us both to a looney bin.

For quite sometime I kept looking up stuff on the internet and came across stories about demons and whatnot.

Demon, just the word made me very uncomfortable. If this is what haunts her, she’s in big trouble.

“Mom, I’m going out for a while” I called, praying that she wouldn’t interrogate me.

“Ok, be sure to be home for dinner” she yelled back. Yes!

I thanked my lucky star and headed out to do what I had to do.

Once I was there, I looked at the huge wooden doors. Here goes nothing, I thought and stepped inside.

I looked around and spotted the person I needed to talk to, so I slowly made my way over to him.

“Um, excuse me..” I started, feeling very insecure. “I have a good friend who is in trouble and I would like to help her but don’t know how.”

“Hello there” the man answered cheerfully. “This friend of yours, she couldn’t come herself?”

“No… Um, she doesn’t know that I’m here” I mumbled.

“Why don’t we take a seat in my office and you can tell me all about it” the man said and motioned towards a small door.

With a deep sigh, I walked in and sat down, while he studied me from the other side of the desk.

“Now, tell me what the problem is” he said seriously.

I launched into the story about what’s she had gone through and what had happened ever since that night she moved into her apartment.

It was clear as day that he thought I was making things up and my hopes plummeted. He wouldn’t be of any help.

“That was very interesting” he coughed and looked at his watch. “Unfortunately I don’t think that this is the right place to seek help for her. Maybe I could…”

“That’s ok. Thank you for listening” I interrupted him and decided to head back home. There had to be some other way…

When I got home, I sat down by the computer again, spending hours on research.

I knew there was someone out there that could help out. There had to be.

After dinner and hopeless information-seeking, I headed to bed, not knowing what to do.

The next morning was pretty much the same. Thankfully both of my parents were at work so they couldn’t nag at me.

For a few hours I read articles about demonology and hauntings. Even though they were interesting, they held no answers to this problem.

I finally stumbled upon this awesome webpage and read it all through. This might be what I had been looking for!

With new hope, I grabbed my phone and dialed the number I found on the site.

“Robert Wright speaking” a man answered and I introduced myself before quickly telling him about my problem.

“That sounds pretty serious” he mumbled thoughtfully. “I would like to meet up with you and discuss this before meeting your friend” he continued.

We quickly decided to meet the next day at the local library around noon to talk about this. My heart swelled with new hope. Anna would be ok. There was no need to worry anymore.

This guy seemed to know about these things so I had faith in him.

I was thinking of visiting Anna, but decided not to. It was better that she doesn’t know what I’m up to; just in case…

Instead I sat down and wrote down everything I knew, so I wouldn’t forget to mention anything tomorrow.

The next day, when stepping inside the local library, I felt excited. This guy was like a savior. I just hoped he had all the answers I needed.

I headed forwards the newspaper-section, where we had decided to meet, and sat down. It was still 10 minutes to noon.

“Excuse me, are you Sam?” a man asked and I looked up, nodding hesitantly. “Good. Now, tell me about your friend Anna” he asked quietly, while sitting down next to me.

Yet again, I told the story of what had happened. Robert just hummed and nodded occasionally.

“I would like to see her and help her. When do you think that she would have the time?” he asked while flicking through a day-planner.

“Anytime, I guess” I answered, hoping he would have time very soon.

“Is tonight a good time?” he continued and I nodded enthusiastically.

“Very well, meet me at this address around 6 tonight” he smiled and handed me a business card before we said our goodbyes.

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