Fatal Game - part 6

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I woke up screaming and coated in cold sweat. My heart was pounding in my chest and I was shivering, not from cold, but from fear.

This man, whoever he was, terrified me. The aura he was giving off, was of pure evil.

This time I really questioned my sanity.

A normal person shouldn’t be this scared of a dream in which nothing happened.

I had to get out of this apartment for a while so I decided to go to the grocery store.

Crawling out of bed I went to the closet and changed out of my pajamas while inspecting the hand print. Yep, seems to be soot or something.

All the way to the store, I kept thinking about this town and that scary man.

Could there be a connection between my dreams and what was happening in my apartment?

These dreams also drained all energy out of me and I felt like I hadn’t slept for a week straight.

At the grocery store I still thought about everything so I didn’t really take any notice what I bought. I walked into people several times and accidentally knocked over a tower of toilet tissue. Embarrassed I hurried to the cash register, paid and almost ran home.

When I finally got home, Sam was waiting for me in the stairway. I quickly stumbled up the stairs and unlocked the door.

“What’s up with you? You look like shit.” I hit him before he could say anything else.

“I’m so not in the mood. I had that dream again and feel like a zombie.” Then I proceeded telling him everything that had happened and how scared I’d been.

He just listened and nodded occasionally.

When I had finished, he stayed quiet. He seemed to be deep in thought and I didn’t want to disturb him so I took my groceries and went to the kitchen.

Surely he must think that I’ve gone insane. Normal people don’t act like this.

I slammed the fridge shut and leaned against the kitchen counter.

“You know, I don’t know what I should think of this. I’ve never heard of something similar. I know you would never lie to me but still…” Sam mumbled from the doorway.

I looked up at him, not surprised that he doubted my story. Any sane person would think that I’m lying or exaggerating. Did I hope that he would believe me?

I walked out of the kitchen to lie down on the sofa.

“I’m going home… You can call me if anything else happens. Get some sleep or something” he said quietly and left.

Sleep sounded really good right now, but at the same time I felt scared. What if I ended up in that ghost town again? What is that place anyway? Limbo?

I don’t know how long I had been lying there trying to figure it out when I suddenly realized that I wasn’t in my apartment anymore.

Holy cow! This is my parents place! I looked around my old room where everything was exactly like I left it. What on earth am I doing here?

I sat up and scanned the room slowly. When I came to the door I stifled a scream.

By the closed door stood a 4’0 blue stone statue. It looked like one of those Aztec statues. Or was it Inca? Ugh, who cares about history in this situation.

It looked scary with its evil grin and small razor sharp teeth. I got out of bed and walked up to it. I bent down a bit and inspected its face closely. It just blinked.

Wait, what?! Statues can’t blink! I jumped back, too terrified to make a sound.

I ran back to my bed and pulled the covers around me while never taking my eyes off this thing.

Slowly he took 3 small steps towards me. I started shaking out of fear. What is he going to do to me?

Then he just stood there, his grin widening.

Everything started to fade away and soon I woke up on my own couch.

I immediately jumped up and ran to my phone and started dialing Sam’s number.

My thoughts wandered over to our conversation and I hung up the phone. This is something I have to deal with on my own, I decided.

I turned on the TV and started watching some crappy talk-show but couldn’t concentrate even the tiniest bit.

My thoughts evolved around this statue and mystery man.

The statue took 3 steps and stopped. I wanted to know why it did that. Was it only trying to scare me? Wait, didn’t I only take 3 steps at the fountain? What on earth does this mean?

And mystery man… He has touched me and told me that I’m not alone and that he won’t let me go. But he never threatened me in any way. He hasn’t hurt me.

On the other hand, the vibe that I get from him is not a good one.

What is a poor girl supposed to do in this situation?

I got up and called Sam. We decided that I would stay the night at his place.

That night I slept really well and not once were my dreams disturbed by anything.

The next morning I woke up happy and well rested.

Hopefully this will last.

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