Fatal Game - part 13

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“Anna, this is pastor Robert Wright and he’s here to help” Sam explained once they had sat down.

“Yes, I’ve heard that you have had some scary encounters since playing around with an ouija board. I would very much like to hear your side” Robert said.

I nodded and began to tell the entire story, including my weird dreams. Sam visibly paled when I showed them my arm, which had fresh cuts.

During this whole time, both of them just sat quietly and listened.

Robert seemed to take it all very seriously and I felt relieved. He believed me!

For about 10 minutes after I finished talking, we just sat there. Robert finally got up to get a bag that he had brought.

“Anna, here’s what we’re going to do” Robert started explaining while taking out a bible from the bag. “I thought that we could start with a prayer together. Does that sound ok?” he continued while pulling out a bottle of what I presume was holy water.

I was feeling quite anxious when Robert started praying loudly. I wasn’t entirely sure if this was a good idea but prayed with him anyway.

What could go wrong? The answer came about 5 minutes later, when one of my pictures on the wall started swinging by itself.

“Sam.. Robert” I whimpered and pointed at the picture.

Robert got up, still praying, and dipped his finger into the water and drew a cross on the picture. He continued through my whole apartment, drawing crosses everywhere. It would hopefully help, even though I had my doubts.

We continued praying and I started feeling this very uncomfortable pressure on my chest. I also felt like we were not alone.

My suspicions seemed to be right because Robert started looking around, as did Sam. Not once did Robert stop praying, not even when the closet door swung open with force.

Robert, sensing my fear, sat down beside me, holding my hand. I was absolutely terrified because I knew that whatever it was, was about to make a statement.

That one sentence repeated itself over and over in my head; ‘I will never let you go’.

“In the name of Jesus, I demand that you leave this girl be” Robert chanted loudly.

As a response, a few pictures fell off the wall and I grabbed onto Sam, who was completely terrified.

The pressure on my chest intensified and I started having problems breathing.

“It’s getting very cold” Sam whispered and tried to hide behind me.

I had to agree, the apartment was getting very chilly. But that didn’t stop Robert.

Even when the closet door started opening and slamming shut repeatedly he continued.

I felt like crying. This could not be happening and I truly wished that we had never ever started playing our game in the first place.

“In the name of…” Robert was interrupted by a very hostile growl and I froze. This was not good, not good at all.

I could not figure out from what direction the growl came, so I just backed against the wall, waiting for something to happen.

Robert had turned pale and gripped his bible and holy water tightly.

All of a sudden, a table lamp flew towards Robert and he ducked, looking really scared. He started inching towards his bag and I moved it towards him with my foot.

I tried to leave my spot and sit on the sofa but Sam wouldn’t release his tight grip on me, so forcefully I pried his hand off of me and sat down.

For many minutes it was quiet, until a loud bang came from beside Sam and seconds later was tackled to the floor.

He cried out and looked like he was in a lot of pain.

I could only stare while Robert helped him up and examined him.

“Seems like you got a broken arm” Robert whispered. “This one’s aggressive, maybe even possessive. We better be careful.”

As soon as he finished talking, he fell on his knees, whimpering and reaching for his back.

I immediately rushed to him and pulled up his shirt. Sam and I both stared at what seemed to be burn marks in the shape of a hand, before looking at each other.

This had gone way out of hand and both of us were terrified.

“We should stop right here. I can’t take anymore” I stated and Robert’s expression told me that he was really scared. Still he wanted to continue and see if he couldn’t put a stop to this. Despite my protests he stood up, opening his bible, but before he could open his mouth, this awful, yet familiar smell invaded the whole apartment.

“Stop. We have to stop” Sam pleaded, looking at Robert.

Sam was ignored and Robert began reading from the bible. He didn’t get far though, before there were more bangs and Sam, who was standing next to Robert, was thrown to the other side of the room.

Before any of us could react in any kind of way, the pastor flew right through my living room window.

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