Just a Few Words; Just a Few Days

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Author's Note

I never truly abandon stories...they just kinda...get lost for awhile!

I'm an adult, and things get busy. I'm also a person with many energy sapping illnesses, both mental and physical. And anyone of any age can understand that life happens.

My most recent twists include getting an apartment with my boyfriend (yay!), working through some losses (T_T); work drama; and more. Not to mention the on going viral apocolypse. Still waiting on Covid Zombies to be a thing...

But, whatevs. Here I be, typing out another chapter of my MatsuxFem! story!

Hope yinz like it, almost a year later.


Just a Few Words; Just a Few Days

"Seiously!" [Y/N] vented at Matsuda as the pair approached her appartment, "I get that we have to get to this quickly, and not be seen too much before we blah-blah-blah....but it's not like [p/t]s can just feed themselves! And I need to make sure I have some clothes at least!"

Near had said he would provide them clothing at their undercover apartment (which was creepy enough given it meant he knew her sizes; but she wanted to have her own comfort clothes at least. A good bra could be hard to come by, and she didn't exactly trust some strange man to know what brand and style to buy. Besides, breaking one in just right was something that could take time!

And FORGET letting anyone but her find a petsitter for [p/n]! No way! If her precious [p/t] didn't have a good relationship with whoever was taking care of them, then there was bound to be issues. So it had to be someone she knew well enough to have had them around her apartment. If anything, she would trust [b/n] to the task, and he knew the right people to delegate to if he had to.

That was why she put her pressed call and put her phone to her ear as she fiddled with her keys and unlocked her door, "Hey! Big Bro! It's your favorite little sister!"

"I'm not so sure about that...[s/n] is a lot less trouble..."

"Not funny, [B/N]" She pouted, the door swinging open and [p/n] running up to greet her.

"Haha, alright, what did you want, sis?"

When [p/n] saw Matsuda, though, it became suddenly wary and protective, pushing between its owner and the man and baring its teeth.

"Uh...hey there," Matsuda spoke in hushed tones, "Nice [p/t]"

"Hey!" [Y/N] reached to calm the creature, "Calm down, it's cool."

"Is everything okay over there? What's got [P/N] so riled up? Hey....do I hear a man's voice?!"

"What? I...Everything's fine! They aren't rilesded! M-man?What? N-no way! Here? What? NO! I just...could you petsit? Going on a vacaation. Just real short couple days! Leaving this afternoon! Kay, thanks!"

She quickly hung up the phone and winced, "Shit."

Matsuda looked at her wide eyed. First off, he had never expected her to become so nervous speaking to her own family. She adored them, and had known them her whole life. Who could she be more comfortable with? Second; the cursing caught him off guard, "[L/N], is everything alright?"

"No...not alright at all..." She shook her head rapidly, "Gotta hurry. Damn, I should known...bad...this is real bad..."

"What?" Matsuda stood in the middle of the living room, thoroughly confused as she rushed around him, grabbing a small duffle out the hall closet and running into her bed room.

Like Who I Used To Be [Matsuda x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now